#SinglePhoton detection and imaging technologies are an area of intense and continuing interest. These detectors are essential for applications and research fields such as: High-End #LIDAR, #QuantumOptics, #QuantumTelecommunications, High Energy Physics, Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Fluorescence Imaging, Astronomy, Plasma Research and many others. Learn more: https://ilphotonics.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=24862&action=edit&lang=en
#SinglePhoton #lidar #QuantumTelecommunications #quantumoptics
A paper about new research show a high-performance #SNSPD, based on a novel parallel design enabling fast, high-efficiency #PhotonNumberResolution (#PNR). This paper also demonstrates how the detector can be used to reconstruct the photon-number statistics of a light source. This technology provides broad applications in #QuantumOptics ranging from photonic #QuantumComputing to improved, heralded, #SinglePhoton sources. Learn more: https://ilphotonics.com/fast-high-efficiency-pnr-parallel-snspd/
#snspd #PhotonNumberResolution #quantumcomputing #pnr #quantumoptics #SinglePhoton
Improvements to the ID281 series of Superconducting Nanowire #SinglePhoton #Detectors (SNSPDs) enable you to see individual #photons faster and with even greater precision than ever before. These new detectors require simpler cryogenic systems to operate. For details, click: https://ilphotonics.com/id-quantique-expands-family-of-id281-snspds/
#SinglePhoton #detectors #photons