#amreading the classic Hao Chunwen 郝春文 monograph 中古時期社邑研究 [A Study on She Associations in Medieval China], published 2006 by 臺北 新文豐. It’s a real masterpiece. Clear writing and nuanced arguments, a generous yet critical lit review, and heaps of meticulously analyzed evidence. I have been taking copious notes in the margins of my lightly corrected edition from 上海古籍出版社 (2019). #buddhiststudies #buddhism #Sinology
#amreading #buddhiststudies #buddhism #Sinology
I recently compiled an annotated #bibliography of #Buddhist #Poetry of #China" with @jasonprotass for Oxford Bibliographies Online. It features a field-defining introductory essay plus 31 other small essays introducing various topics. A good place to start exploring #Chinese Buddhist Poetry.
#Sinology #Literature #Religion #ReligiousStudies @chineseliterature @poetry
#bibliography #buddhist #poetry #china #chinese #Sinology #literature #religion #religiousstudies
Excited about this new publication! I co-authored with @tommazanec a guide to #Buddhist #Poetry of #China for Oxford Bibliographies. We wrote well over 100 entries, each with a brief note about why we value that book or article.
Of course there is a paywall. Just email me if you want a free copy.
#BuddhistStudies #Buddhism #ChineseLiterature @chineseliterature #Sinology
#buddhist #poetry #china #buddhiststudies #buddhism #chineseliterature #Sinology
attn #Sinology and/or #ChineseHistory homies: A few years ago I scanned and OCR'd Hok-lam Chan's "Legends of the Building of Old Peking." I lost the PDF for it to a ransomware attack earlier this year, along with the rest of my library, but am pretty sure I shared the file with people before then.
Asking here just in case anybody ended up with a copy -- the filename would probably have been "chan2008legends.pdf" in the naming system I used at the time. Anyone?
#BOTD: Joseph Needham 李約瑟 (1900–1995), British biochemist and #sinologist. Extensive travels in #China during WWII stirred his lifelong passion for #ChineseScience. After returning to #Cambridge, he launched the massive #ScienceandCivilisationinChina
@NeedhamResearch. #Sinology
#botd #sinologist #china #chinesescience #cambridge #scienceandcivilisationinchina #Sinology
(Night falls. I think it does, anyway? It’s hard to tell time when nothing’s happening. The vast empty cavern starts to get cold, so I warm myself beside some cherished nouns.)
“#Sinology! #Translation! #ChineseLiterature! #17thCenturyVernacularFiction! #豆棚閒話!”
(The silence swallows even the echoes. I shiver and look around me again. There were supposed to be people here!)
#Sinology #translation #Chineseliterature #17thcenturyvernacularfiction #豆棚閒話
I’m a scholar of medieval (mainly ~200~1000 CE) Chinese literature and religion at UC Santa Barbara, and have side interests in digital humanities, translation, and world literature. I’ve written a lot about Buddhist poetry in the Tang Dynasty. I also teach Classical Chinese and a bunch of other things here.
#sinology #literature #TangDynasty #UCSB #Buddhism #poetry #translation #DigitalHumanites #introduction
#Sinology #literature #TangDynasty #UCSB #buddhism #poetry #translation #DigitalHumanites #introduction
#Introduction 🙋 Hi everyone:
I'm a PostDoc at the Center for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity at NCCU in #Taipei.
I study #LateImperial vernacular #ChineseLiterature , with one focus on religious novels (mostly #FengshenYanyi #封神演義) and another one on female characters in literature (currently all #LinLanXiang #林蘭香). More recently I also started dabbling in #DH, mainly #SocialNetworkAnalysis.
I did my PhD in #Sinology at #Munich University and have previously taught in #Würzburg.
#Würzburg #munich #Sinology #SocialNetworkAnalysis #dh #林蘭香 #LinLanXiang #封神演義 #FengshenYanyi #chineseliterature #LateImperial #taipei #introduction