Due anni di profitti record per le multinazionali farmaceutiche dei vaccini anti-Covid-19 https://altreconomia.it/due-anni-di-profitti-record-per-le-multinazionali-farmaceutiche-dei-vaccini-anti-covid-19/ #finanziamentopubblico #Approfondimento #elusionefiscale #Pfizer-BioNtech #unioneeuropea #AlbertBourla #coronavirus #StatiUniti #BioNtech #covid-19 #delaware #svizzera #moderna #sinovac #vaccini #pfizer #covid #virus #somo #OMS
#OMS #somo #virus #vaccini #Sinovac #moderna #Svizzera #delaware #covid #biontech #statiuniti #Coronavirus #AlbertBourla #unioneeuropea #pfizer #elusionefiscale #Approfondimento #finanziamentopubblico
@templarknight @KristianHarstad
My heart goes out to people battling #Covid and to bereaved friends and relatives.
Western #vaccines do seem better than #Sinovac:
I'm grateful to have had four doses of Western vaccines, and I'll keep taking the boosters. But no Covid vaccine in the world is powerful enough to prevent every infection and save every life. We need layered protection.
#COVID #vaccines #Sinovac #CovidIsNotOver
#JulietValdez -- 56-year-old #Philippines #teacher dead 12 weeks after second #Sinovac #injection as country mandates “#vaccines” for all workers: https://thecovidblog.com/2021/12/09/juliet-valdez-56-year-old-philippines-teacher-dead-12-weeks-after-second-sinovac-injection-as-country-mandates-vaccines-for-all-workers/
#vaccines #injection #Sinovac #teacher #philippines #JulietValdez
Je veux qu'on m'explique : #Covid19
* Cambodge 17 M d'hbts 3000 morts
? France 65 M d'hbts 145.000 morts
* Cambodge Vaccins Sinovac
? France Vaccins Pfizer Moderna Astra etc.
* Cambodge Hôpitaux Tiers Monde
? France Hôpitaux Classe N°1
Allo Olivier Veran ? #Sinovac n'est pas reconnu en Europe ? Pourtant visiblement 10 fois plus efficace que ce que vous IMPOSEZ en France ?
La France a 15 fois plus de décès proportionnellement que le Cambodge, un des pays les plus pauvres du monde.
Kids in #China developed #leukemia after getting #Sinovac and #Sinopharm #COVIDvaccines
#covidvaccines #SinoPharm #Sinovac #leukemia #China
Kids in #China developed #leukemia after getting #Sinovac and #Sinopharm #COVIDvaccines
#covidvaccines #SinoPharm #Sinovac #leukemia #China
Kids in #China developed #leukemia after getting #Sinovac and #Sinopharm #COVIDvaccines
#covidvaccines #SinoPharm #Sinovac #leukemia #China
Non si sa se siano più incapaci al Viminale o al ministero della salute.
RT @LavoroDomestico@twitter.com
GLI ESODATI DEL GREEN PASS : 50mila #lavoratori domestici vaccinati senza green pass, ne ha parlato in questo servizio di @bezzazrajae@twitter.com anche #striscialanotizia su #canale5
Guarda il video qui: https://www.osservatoriolavorodomestico.it/gli-esodati-del-green-pass
#colf #badanti #esodati #sputnik #Sinovac #greenpass
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LavoroDomestico/status/1461699837892648963
#greenpass #Sinovac #sputnik #esodati #badanti #colf #canale5 #striscialanotizia #lavoratori
Seit Anfang Mai prüft die #EMA den #Impfstoff #VeroCell von #Sinovac, obwohl dieser am weitesten verbreitet ist und somit die meisten Daten besitzt. Bei anderen geht das schneller. #Politik bremst und beklagt zugleich mangelnde Impfbereitschaft. Unsägliche #Windbeutel.
#windbeutel #politik #Sinovac #VeroCell #impfstoff #ema
#deutschland #covid_19 #bundesregierung bitte die Regeln nachziehen und geimpften Menschen aus den Drittländern nicht pauschal nur wg. #Sinopharm oder #Sinovac Impfung einen Besuch der Familie verweigern. Die #usa machen es vor, also es sollte einfach zu argumentieren sein.
#usa #Sinovac #Sinopharm #bundesregierung #covid_19 #deutschland
Just found out a friend got #covid19. She's fully vaccinated with #Sinovac, but says she caught it from her unvaccinated dad. Fortunately they both seem fine and are quarantining at home. Good thing they're not severe/critical cases. 🙏 Hospitals are quite full already. 😶
#pandemic #StayHome #PhysicalDistancing #WearYourMask
Didn't ask for details. From what I know about her dad, he probably went mingling with friends, or traveled for business out of town. #DontBeStubborn #StaySafe
#covid19 #Sinovac #pandemic #StayHome #PhysicalDistancing #WearYourMask #DontBeStubborn #StaySafe
Michael Mitchell: 65-year-old #Braveheart actor DEAD six days after Pfizer “booster”
#covid #sinovac #covid19 #vaccine #news #vaccines #pfizer
#braveheart #covid #Sinovac #COVID19 #vaccine #news #vaccines #pfizer
A #scientist who led #clinicaltrials of the #Sinovac #vaccine in #Indonesia died of the #coronavirus
#coronavirus #indonesia #vaccine #Sinovac #clinicaltrials #scientist
📣 New Podcast! "Episode 1327 - Leading Vaccine Scientist Dies of COVID-19" on @Spreaker #covid19 #demoniacresistance #indonesia #nullification2021 #sinovac https://www.spreaker.com/episode/45653653
#Sinovac #nullification2021 #indonesia #DemoniacResistance #COVID19
#Singapore to require pre-event testing for people inoculated with #Sinovac #covidvaccines https://newstarget.com/2021-07-07-people-injected-sinovac-not-exempt-from-testing.html
#covidvaccines #Sinovac #singapore
26 Doctors in #Indonesia died because of #coronavirus yet 10 of them received #Sinovac #vaccines #COVID19 https://newstarget.com/2021-07-01-26-indonesian-doctors-died-coronavirus-received-sinovac.html
#COVID19 #vaccines #Sinovac #coronavirus #indonesia
Costa Rica rejects delivery of China's Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine, says it is not effective enough https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/17/costa-rica-rejects-delivery-of-chinas-sinovac-covid-19-vaccine.html
But how will Costa Rica deal with COVID19?
Because they can't use the vaccine of China.
#Sinovac #corona #coronavaccines #CoronaPandemic #CostaRica
#costarica #CoronaPandemic #coronavaccines #corona #Sinovac
Après avoir priorisé et privilégié ses financeurs, l'Agence européenne des médicaments (#EMA) se décide enfin à examiner le #vaccin chinois à virus inactivé de #Sinovac. Les anti-ARNm sont impatients. Ils piaffent.
🔗🇬🇧 https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/news/ema-starts-rolling-review-covid-19-vaccine-vero-cell-inactivated
Wait. Both vaccines aren't approved yet but are already sold to Brazil, Turkey, Indonesia and now Malaysia?!?
**World Health Organization to decide whether to approve Chinese Covid-19 vaccines for global use | South China Morning Post**
Dans un monde néolibéral l'idéal pour un fabricant de vaccins est qu'il ne soit surtout pas efficace.
#Pfizer #Moderna #astrazeneca #covishield #Sinovac #Sinopharm #johnsonandjohnson
#pfizer #moderna #astrazeneca #covishield #Sinovac #SinoPharm #johnsonandjohnson