Iran-Nachrichten 🤖 · @irannachrichten
1532 followers · 10888 posts · Server

RT by @GildaSahebi: “Death to dictator”

Protests continue after Friday prayers in Zahedan! • Quelle:

#Sistan #baluchistan #Zahedan #iranrevolution

Last updated 2 years ago

Bert Huisman · @berthuisman
124 followers · 3806 posts · Server

RT @DeepaParent
Protests in Iran have not stopped! The has been ongoing and far from over. Massive protests reported today in Zahedan with chants, “Death to Dictator”

#iranrevoiution #Sistan #baluchistan

Last updated 2 years ago

Johan Roux 🏳️‍🌈 · @RouxJ
2080 followers · 4907 posts · Server

are taking place in the city of , the province of and .

The crowd is chanting "Death to ."

#khamenei #balochistan #Sistan #zahedan #iranian #protests

Last updated 2 years ago

Carloc · @carloc
1 followers · 203 posts · Server

RT @MarianoGiustino
Lui è , 14 anni, un ragazzo baluchi.
È solo uno dei tantissimi adolescenti uccisi dal regime iraniano a , capoluogo del -


#amirshahnavazi #Zahedan #Sistan #baluchistan #turchia

Last updated 2 years ago

Farooq Karimi Zadeh · @farooqkz
22 followers · 73 posts · Server

I've seen this sad scene several times. But this time, I thought I'd better write something about it.

I'm not very old but I remember when things weren't as terrible as now in my city. I remember that only emigrants among their men were looking in the trashes for something metal which they could sell and earn money. And in busy places, like bazaars, there were only few people who were begging money and everytime you visited the place, there was the same person and you could only see men.

In recent years, Those who beg money or look into trashes, are no longer only Afghan and no longer only male. There are young boys and girls from around 7-8 who have these jobs.

Now there are some questions which I'm afraid of their answer.

What is the job of girls around 15 or higher?

What about other cities? Like those near the borders in or ? I am asking about them because I know they are Sunni and I know that this regime pays the least attention to Sunnis(if they don't kill them)

#afghan #Sistan #kurdistan #iran

Last updated 2 years ago

War Noir · @warnoir
172 followers · 38 posts · Server

🇮🇷 ( & ): "Unknown Mazars (Tigers) of Baluchistan" released a video stating they will defend Balochs and will support Kurds.

The fighter in the video can be seen with a common 7.62x39mm Type 56-1/KLF assault rifle —likely obtained via local networks.

#iran #Sistan #balochistan

Last updated 2 years ago

m🅰️u · @Mau_or_
115 followers · 1575 posts · Server

"Almeno 66 beluci, minorenni compresi, sono stati uccisi dalle forze di sicurezza iraniane nella provincia dello e in quella del e . Altre 16 persone sono state uccise nei giorni successivi."

#IranProtests2022 #10ottobre #Belucistan #Sistan #Zahedan #iran

Last updated 2 years ago

Farooq Karimi Zadeh · @farooqkz
17 followers · 61 posts · Server

A week ago, people in in south east of were attacked with military weapons. Some videos were showing a military helicopter patroling around.
While till that day after about 2 weeks of about 100 were killed, in a single day in the biggest city of Sistan at least around 30 were killed including women and few children.

The next day said they were terrorists attacking innocent people after the

The such as said it was Iran's forces. However in the next days everyone forgot that and those medias put emphasize on and only.

People of Sistan are not only the poorest people in Iran but they are also alone and it seems the majority of Iranians don't care much about them.

#Sistan #iran #protests #zahidan #irib #friday_prayer #western_persian_medias #bbc #Nika_Shakarami #Mahsa_Amini

Last updated 2 years ago