"place-bound experiences constitute the very framework for our sense of self and perceived identity...the cognitive mechanics of autobiographical memory resituates the built environment inside us: it constitutes the internal architecture of our lives."
—sarah williams goldhagen, WELCOME TO YOUR WORLD
#SiteSpecific #IdentityFormation #ArsMemoria #MemoryTechnologies
#SiteSpecific #identityformation #arsmemoria #memorytechnologies
“now is the time to see the truth” (2018)
fishing net, wood, corrugated plastic, lights
Ice Follies 2018 – Lake Nipissing, North Bay ON
Photo Credit: Liz Lott
For more information about this piece, check it out on my website: https://aylan-couchie.com/site-specific-installation-public-art/
#IndigenousArt #IndigenousArtist #Anishnaabe #InstallationArt #SiteSpecific #NativeArt #NativeArtists #Indigenous
#indigenous #NativeArtists #nativeart #SiteSpecific #installationart #anishnaabe #indigenousartist #Indigenousart