Really enjoyed her artwork, which featured on her slides 🥰
(Unfortunately, I don’t have permission to share content from the conference)
She’s also just talking (in Q&A) about the difficulty of accessing healthcare, especially crisis services, by phone – given situational mutism and auditory processing disorder
#LondonVirtualAutisticConference2 #ActuallyAutistic #SituationalMutism #AuditoryProcessingDisorder
#londonvirtualautisticconference2 #actuallyautistic #SituationalMutism #AuditoryProcessingDisorder
@bamboochewer I’ve been dealing with #SituationalMutism a lot lately. Well… I’ve had bouts of it all my life, I just didn’t know what it was. I definitely prefer knowing! It’s nice to meet you.
What #AAC app do you recommend for #iPad?
I'm looking for something more aimed at #AutisticAdults and it needs to be either free or affordable, I was sad to see that #Proloquo2Go is over £200
I use #EESpeechBasic on my phone but it's definitely lacking
#NonSpeaking #SituationalMutism #SelectiveMutism #ActuallyAutistic #CommunicationApp #TextToSpeech
#texttospeech #communicationapp #ActuallyAutistic #selectivemutism #SituationalMutism #nonspeaking #eespeechbasic #proloquo2go #AutisticAdults #ipad #aac
Having thought a bit about #RejectionSensitivity, #SituationalMutism and #SocialAnxiety tonight, I’m even more irritated at all the times in my life I’ve been labelled ‘shy’ (among other things)
That’s really not the right word at all! 😣
#RejectionSensitivity #SituationalMutism #socialanxiety #actuallyautistic #actuallyadhd #rsd
#PDA (medically ‘pathological demand avoidance’) is better described as ‘pervasive desire for autonomy’) 😊
As a PDAer, I’ve found the discussion here really interesting
And good responses in the Q&A on #SituationalMutism
#pda #SituationalMutism #LondonVirtualAutisticConference
I do love the discussion about #SituationalMutism in Zoom calls, because I know exactly what it’s like to sometimes only be able to type words in the chat box, depending on group dynamics and how I feel at the time
#SituationalMutism #LondonVirtualAutisticConference