The funniest thing about this: calling it "spatial computing", when it subscribes even more firmly to the desktop metaphor than any other #VR or #AR project out before.
You buy the #AppleVisionPro **because** you don't want a more natural way of interacting with a computer, similar to how you would interact with everyday objects. You don't want this kind of ultimate #skeuomorphism. No, #Apple are selling you **the exact opposite**.
Because staring on various screens for 18 hours a day has actually become your default mode of existence. So this new normal is now able to push the natural 3D world in the background. Your immersion is complete, #spatialcomputing means the 2D desktop metaphor gets awarded the place in your life it already has. But emphasized. Interacting with the natural 3D world is slowly becoming a tedious afterthought to interacting with the computer.
The #VisionPro is easing you into it. 🤿
#vr #ar #applevisionpro #Skeuomorphism #apple #spatialcomputing #visionpro
Have been feeling inspired after doing some work assembling communities that I'm really interested in - thought I'd do a tag dump for some of the areas that I'm looking into, as well as have already found super interesting, have been following and am boosting... (not in alphabetical order and probably too broad but for my own future reference also!)
#Tag heap:
#Abolition #ACAB #ADHD #Affect #AffectStudies #AntiImperialism #AntiColonialism #AntiRacism #Archiving #Archives #Art #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Boardgames #ClimateChange #Coffee #Commons #CriticalTheory #CinemaStudies #Communities #CulturalStudies #Decolonisation #Design #Disabled #DigitalCommons #DigitalCulture #DigitalCultures #DigitalHumanities #DigitalTechnologies #DigiModernism #Diversity #EDI #EnglishLiterature #Feminism #Feministsts #FilmStudies #FreeSoftware #Games #Gaming #Geopolitics #Geography #Hauntology #HCI #HumanComputerInteraction
#HigherEd #HigherEducation #History #Histodians #Incarceration #Inclusion #InfrastructureStudies #InternetStudies #London #LowTech #Media #MediaStudies #Museum #Museums #Musicals #OpenPedagogy #ParticipatoryDesign #Pedagogy #PoliceAbolition #Philosophy #Photography #Praxis #Prisons #PrisonAbolition #Preservation #Progressive #Politics #Postmodernism #PublicEducation
#Running #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #SocialInclusion #SocialMobility #SocialTheory #Socialism #SocialJustice #Sociology #Sociodon #Sociodons #Solidarity #SoftwareStudies #SoundScapes #Skeuomorphism #SpeculativeFiction #STS #Technology #Trans #UK #VanLife #VideoGames #University #Zines
Also I suppose really this is a second #Introduction after the #TwitterMigration as I'm still relatively #NewHere so... Hi again! Feel free to follow or boost if this sounds like your areas of interest also
#tag #Abolition #acab #adhd #affect #AffectStudies #antiimperialism #anticolonialism #antiracism #Archiving #archives #Art #blacklivesmatter #blm #boardgames #ClimateChange #coffee #commons #criticaltheory #cinemastudies #communities #culturalstudies #decolonisation #design #disabled #digitalcommons #digitalculture #DigitalCultures #digitalhumanities #DigitalTechnologies #DigiModernism #diversity #edi #englishliterature #feminism #FeministSTS #filmstudies #freesoftware #games #gaming #geopolitics #geography #hauntology #hci #HumanComputerInteraction #highered #highereducation #history #histodians #incarceration #inclusion #infrastructurestudies #internetstudies #london #lowtech #media #mediastudies #museum #museums #musicals #openpedagogy #participatorydesign #pedagogy #policeabolition #philosophy #photography #praxis #prisons #prisonabolition #preservation #progressive #politics #postmodernism #publiceducation #running #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #socialinclusion #socialmobility #socialtheory #socialism #socialjustice #sociology #sociodon #sociodons #solidarity #softwarestudies #soundscapes #Skeuomorphism #speculativefiction #sts #technology #trans #uk #vanlife #videogames #university #zines #Introduction #twittermigration #newhere
Scotty Kilmer - Car Companies are Scamming You and Why You Should Be Mad About It (How Cars are Given #Sound):
#CarSounds #ArtisticSound #MechanicalSymphony #Rumble #GutturalRumble #ExhaustPipes #ExhaustNote #Skeuomorphism #SkeuomorphicAudio #SavageScotty
#SavageScotty #SkeuomorphicAudio #Skeuomorphism #ExhaustNote #ExhaustPipes #GutturalRumble #rumble #MechanicalSymphony #ArtisticSound #CarSounds #sound