Wrote another article on #LinkedIn:
This article discusses the challenges faced by developers who aspire to transition into a management role. It highlights the differences between the two roles, including the need to shift from being an individual contributor to being a leader, and the change in daily activities, which involves attending more meetings, handling conflicts, and dealing with administrative tasks. #developer #management #careertransition #leadership #technicalmanagement #peoplemanagement #mentorship #learningopportunities #delegation #careeradvancement #teamgoals #administrativetasks #technology #skilldevelopment #teamdirection #conflictmanagement #meetingmanagement
#peoplemanagement #mentorship #learningopportunities #delegation #administrativetasks #technology #Skilldevelopment #linkedin #developer #management #careertransition #leadership #technicalmanagement #careeradvancement #teamgoals #teamdirection #conflictmanagement #meetingmanagement
Study of a disappointed frog.
#art #illustration #Skilldevelopment #painting
A quick study of a shiny little ladybug. Experimenting with focal distance and shine.
#art #illustration #Skilldevelopment #painting
Frozen Lake
A speed painting study I did last night of a picture I took last winter of Lake Ontario. Aiming for texture, energy and temperature in this one.
#art #illustration #Skilldevelopment #painting
Today's study subject... My lunch!
Around 30min speed painting.
Wonton noodle soup with egg, scallions and seaweed.
#art #illustration #Skilldevelopment #painting #food
Did a pen and ink sketch of a cool mushroom I saw growing out of a tree.
#art #illustration #Skilldevelopment #drawing
I did some speed painting today. I enjoy painting old, rusted out and forgotten things. Roughly 90mins
#art #illustration #Skilldevelopment #painting
Ending the week off with a 40min portrait study.
#art #illustration #Skilldevelopment #drawing
My post on the launch of the Government of Tamil Nadu’s TANSAM (Tamil Nadu Smart and Advanced Manufacturing Centre), powered by Siemens and partnering with Broadline Computer Systems.
#TANSAM #Siemens175 #TNGovt.#TNIndustrial #TANCOE
#SkillDevelopment #Academics #Broadline #TIDCO
#Tidco #broadline #academics #Skilldevelopment #tancoe #tnindustrial #TNGovt #siemens175 #tansam
சென்னையில் வரும் 26ஆம் தேதி தொழில் முனைவோருக்கான விழிப்புணர்வு முகாம்! தமிழகஅரசு https://patrikai.com/entrepreneurs-awareness-camp-on-26th-in-chennai-tamil-nadu-govt/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#Skilldevelopment #entrepreneurship #guindy #Chennai
#நான்_முதல்வன் – மாபெரும் திறன் மேம்பாட்டுத் திட்ட இணையதளம் தொடக்க விழா! ஸ்டாலின் தொடங்கி வைத்தார்…
https://patrikai.com/cm-stalin-launches-naan-mudhalvan-scheme-and-skill-development-project-website/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#NaanMudhalvan #SkillDevelopment #Website @CMOTamilnadu@twitter.com
#website #Skilldevelopment #NaanMudhalvan #நான்_முதல்வன்
சென்னை கல்லூரியில் இளைஞர் திறன் திருவிழாவை தொடங்கி வைத்தார் முதல்வர் மு.க.ஸ்டாலின்..! https://patrikai.com/chief-minister-mk-stalin-inaugurated-the-youth-skills-festival-at-chennai-college/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#Chennai #QueenMarysCollege #youth #Skill #festival #SkillDevelopment #SHGs #SelfHelpGroup @CMOTamilnadu@twitter.com
#SelfHelpGroup #SHGs #Skilldevelopment #festival #skill #youth #QueenMarysCollege #Chennai