The appalling reaction of Australia's main media to the #Labor #superannuation reforms was a new low
From John Quiggan, #Guardian Australia: 'most of the discussion turned on the “he said, she said” debate about the Coalition’s claim that the policy shift represented a broken promise'
In an effort to outdo #SkyAfterDark Sarah Ferguson's first question to Jim Chalmers was "Have you broken an election promise?"
Sarah seems to think she's in a race to out do Peta Credlin rather than present well researched political analysis - just a light weight!
What ever happened to #ABCNews and #730Report
#labor #superannuation #guardian #SkyAfterDark #abcnews #730report #auspol
What’s the difference between #abcnews #730Report and #SkyAfterDark ?
Nothing, there is no difference!
Both are peddling #labor #superantigens policy as a “broken promise” even though it’s a policy to be taken to the next election.
#abcnews #730Report just peddle 🐂💩
#abcnews #730report #SkyAfterDark #labor #superantigens #auspol
“We have a youth vote problem! What can we do?!”
“Mobilise Teena McQueen! She’s hip! She’s now! She’s what every young woman dreams she’ll grow up to be!”
The beginning of the MASA movement with Peter Dutton to sweep up all the conspiracy theorists in a Trump-like run for prime minister. #SkyAfterDark
I wonder if Sky After Dark will realise the error of their ways and change to being a credible, objective news analysis from now on, after the #vicvotes result? #auspol #SkyAfterDark
#vicvotes #auspol #SkyAfterDark
@Chook @Anthony I'm waiting for the #SkyAfterDark derpsters to organise a "How To Win At Mastodon" seminar. The #HowToWinAtTwitter one went so well😜🤣🤣🤣
#SkyAfterDark #howtowinattwitter