Zu früh gefreut. Wirft seit gestern Abend nur noch Fehlermeldungen aus. #skybridge
#Aerotelegraph - Traumdestinationen: Malaysia: Ein Land voller Superlative - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/malaysia-ein-land-voller-superlative #langkawi_skybridge #taman_connaught #Masjid_Merdeka #mount_kinabalu #kuala_lumpur #night_market #taman_negara #gunung_mulu #merdeka118 #streetfood #rafflesia #skybridge #kinabalu #langkawi #Malaysia #merdeka #Sarawak #Reisen #cheras #negara #sabah
#Aerotelegraph #langkawi_skybridge #taman_connaught #masjid_merdeka #mount_kinabalu #kuala_lumpur #night_market #taman_negara #gunung_mulu #merdeka118 #streetfood #rafflesia #SkyBridge #kinabalu #Langkawi #malaysia #merdeka #Sarawak #reisen #cheras #negara #Sabah
Funktioniert #Bluesky / #Skybridge inzwischen eigentlich auch mit #Megalodon ?
#bluesky #SkyBridge #megalodon
@Saidfaz Gleich ein kleiner Nachtrag. Mit #Tusky unter #Android funktioniert #SkyBridge ganz hervorragend.
#SkyBridge lässt sich mit #Megalodon hervorragend einrichten. Posten funktioniert aber nicht. Dann stürzt die App ab.
pretty vacant
Exploring built environment & emotions of former occupants, the image reflects on human transience, urban changes & forgotten spaces.
#Sky #Building #Road #Tree #AbandonedSpaces #UrbanDecay #Impermanence #Loneliness #Nostalgia #ForgottenPlaces #Desolation #Transience #FadingMemories #Emptiness #DesertedRoad #VacantOffice #ArchitecturalTransition #UrbanLandscape #PostCapitalistSociety #ShiftedValues #TimePasses #LostInTime #Photography #Skybridge
#sky #building #road #tree #abandonedspaces #urbandecay #impermanence #loneliness #nostalgia #forgottenplaces #desolation #transience #fadingmemories #emptiness #desertedroad #vacantoffice #architecturaltransition #urbanlandscape #postcapitalistsociety #shiftedvalues #timepasses #lostintime #photography #SkyBridge
#Michigan #Skybridge 🌉 to open at Boyne Mountain Resort in ...
michigan sky bridge wheelchair ♿ accessible? — Boyne Resort's 1200-foot Michigan Skybridge ... it must be crossed on foot,🦶 and isn't wheelchair accessible.🤦 😭
Skybridge's Scaramucci says two things will prop up demand for bitcoin https://cnb.cx/3bXrUf8
Like ethereum, can bitcoin reduce gas fees?
Cryptocurrencies are useful for remittance and payment, so I think they will be gone.
#Ethereum #EthereumMerge #bitcoin #BTC #Skybridge
#SkyBridge #btc #bitcoin #Ethereummerge #ethereum
Skybridge's Scaramucci says two things will prop up demand for bitcoin https://cnb.cx/3bXrUf8
Like ethereum, can bitcoin reduce gas fees?
Cryptocurrencies are useful for remittance and payment, so I think they will be gone.
#Ethereum #EthereumMerge #bitcoin #BTC #Skybridge
#SkyBridge #btc #bitcoin #Ethereummerge #ethereum