Worlds of ZZT · @worldsofzzt
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“nEGATiVE” by Zenith Nadir (1996)
Published by: Interactive Fantasies
[NEGATIVE.ZZT] - “” {🔫: 0}
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#SledgeHammer #bot

Last updated 1 year ago

Classic TV Today · @ustv40
88 followers · 383 posts · Server

36 years ago today:
Sledge Hammer!
S1E22: The Spa Who Loved Me
Bodybuilding terrorists led by a female aerobics instructor steal a nuclear warhead from the military and threaten to destroy the entire country. Hammer and Dori are assigned to the case and are captured by the group. When Hammer gets control of the situation he tries to disarm the device. Seconds l...
Airdate: 1987-04-28

#SledgeHammer #davidrasche #annemariemartin #abc #tvshows

Last updated 2 years ago

Classic TV Today · @ustv40
84 followers · 370 posts · Server

36 years ago today:
Sledge Hammer!
S1E21: Jagged Sledge
Hammer goes on trial for the murder of the city's leading crime boss. Capt. Trunk and Dori are called upon to give damaging testimony against Hammer and everyone is convinced he’s guilty, including Hammer himself.
Airdate: 1987-04-21

#SledgeHammer #davidrasche #annemariemartin #conchataferrell #abc #tvshows

Last updated 2 years ago

Joan of Cat (she/her) 😼 · @ceruleanarc
595 followers · 152 posts · Server

I've been learning a lot about lately because of the fact that my last was a .

I've also been well aware of how extensively I was used as a and as a . My abuser would and me into attacking other folks that I had no issue with because they were hurt by the (either today or 20 years ago) and deserved some sort of .

Today I finally found some into my role as a self-serving , a person who enables others' narcissistic because, although I too was being (and pretty fucking badly), I received some benefit from the relationship with the narcissist that led me not only to stay but also to throw others under the bus in order to maintain that . All because of that perceived benefit.

I'd say "I feel attacked," but I'm taking this pretty seriously because it's a pattern I replayed with my mother earlier in life, enabling her grandiose narcissism by attacking the people who "hurt" her.

What benefit, then, was so important that I was willing to sell my soul for it? My abuser gave me a lot of during a time when I felt incredibly . My abuser also curated and eagerly moderated my relationships with their and . And when I didn't or couldn't behave by their standards, they pulled away, often taking their friends and family with them and me in a state where I didn't really have the left (due to the ) to build any relationships away from them.

My abuser used this power to great effect once I decided I was no longer tolerating or their behavior, cutting me off from everyone I'd known and cared about and about their abuse of me, claiming instead that I was the abuser and they the (they've had a long-standing pattern of by practically everyone in their life, whether or not these people were actually ).

It took a very, very long time to rid myself of the now- belief that I was to for everything that had happened to me, and I couldn't have done it without my friends and the that treated me.

Having been responsible for hurting so many others because of my fear of losing all of the social connections and relationships that my abuser moderated sucks to know. I've apologized to some of the folks I hurt in my enabling of my abusers narcissistic abuse of others, but there's many more who I'll never get the chance to apologize to. And these folks have the absolute right to not want me in their lives ever again. Enablers are awful people sometimes, and I was pretty fucking awful when my abuser demanded it. I can with myself, but none of this excuses me, and I am owed nothing by those I've hurt for my own benefit within a toxic relationship.

I don't know when, if ever, I'll be able to wholly myself either. Maybe one day, but only by keeping the energy I have now and continuing to as the person I've decided to be going forward, during this novel (for me) absence of narcissists in my life. And by making amends by raising up and serving those around me now to the best of my ability.

is a long, painful road, and it's hard to imagine what its end may look like. Maybe it never reaches one. I can live with that.

#narcissism #abuser #covert #narcissist #bulldog #SledgeHammer #gaslight #guilt #target #punishment #insight #enabler #abuse #abused #toxic #relationship #attention #alone #friends #family #isolating #spoons #enabling #lying #victim #victimization #abusive #internalized #blame #mental #health #professionals #empathize #forgive #grow #healing #joan #psychology

Last updated 2 years ago

Classic TV Today · @ustv40
55 followers · 784 posts · Server

35 years ago today:
Sledge Hammer!
S2E17: The Secret of My Excess
Sledge tracks down a yuppie's dirty deeds.
Airdate: 1988-01-29

#SledgeHammer #jameskaren #abc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows

Last updated 2 years ago

Classic TV Today · @ustv40
53 followers · 783 posts · Server

35 years ago today:
Sledge Hammer!
S2E17: The Secret of My Excess
Sledge tracks down a yuppie's dirty deeds.
Airdate: 1988-01-29

#SledgeHammer #jameskaren #abc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows

Last updated 2 years ago

nini baseema · @ninibaseema
19 followers · 76 posts · Server
HeiZer · @HeiZer
129 followers · 209 posts · Server

Gestern hat sich das erste Mal seit JAHREN der "Ticketalarm" ausgezahlt, den ich aktiviert habe.
kommt am 13.06.2023 nach 10 Jahren in die nach !
Heute Karten bestellt! Teuer, aber wohl die letzte Gelegenheit LIVE! YES!👍

#redrain #SledgeHammer #frankfurt #Festhalle #petergabriel

Last updated 2 years ago

Der Wagrier :r1: (Kaptain) · @DerWagrier
561 followers · 1574 posts · Server

Gerade mal eine Folge geschaut. Früher fand ich das echt super ... ich kann heute damit wirklich nichts mehr anfangen.

:gruppe: @filmeundserien :serien:

#SledgeHammer #SerienJunkie

Last updated 2 years ago