Can #coffee or a #nap make up for #sleepdeprivation?
Lack of #sleep harms #memory and #cognition, but easy remedies can't fix everything. While caffeine may help you stay awake and feel more alert, it won’t help you with tasks that require complex thought. And while a short nap may make you feel better on nights that you need to stay awake, it probably won’t help your performance. In short, sufficient sleep is essential to your mind and brain, and no substitute for sleep.
#coffee #nap #SleepDeprivation #sleep #memory #cognition
Curious Kids: What happens to your brain if you don’t get enough sleep?
#Health #Sleep #MentalHealth #Neurology #Depression #Anxiety #Brain #SleepDeprivation #BrainFunction #Fatigue #CuriousKids #BrainHealth #SleepDept #SleepCycle
#health #sleep #mentalhealth #neurology #depression #anxiety #brain #SleepDeprivation #brainfunction #fatigue #curiouskids #brainhealth #sleepdept #sleepcycle
Behold, the only thing that kept me alive today: McDonalds coffee. That’s a medium with three creams. #coffee #SleepDeprivation #parenting
#coffee #SleepDeprivation #parenting
Early mornings are one thing, unable to get back to sleep is another.
You need more sleep, I need more sleep...
Any good advice on getting back to sleep after waking in the middle of the night?
#sleep #SleepDeprivation #needmoresleep #tired