Sleeping with her is like sleeping with a toddler who tosses and turns more than a human with RLS.
I’m feeling like a newborn mom, but.
Those brown curls, though.😩
#LagottosOfMastodon #LagottoRomagnolo #Dogstodon #DogsOfMastodon #DogsOfTheFediverse #Puppy #InsomniaIsNotMyProblem #SleepDeprived #PetsOfMastodon #PuppyLife #Curly #Doggo #MomProblems #DoggoMom
#DoggoMom #momproblems #doggo #curly #puppylife #petsofmastodon #SleepDeprived #insomniaisnotmyproblem #puppy #dogsofthefediverse #dogsofmastodon #dogstodon #LagottoRomagnolo #lagottosofmastodon
It’s concerning how much of my self-talk involves telling myself:
“We’ll catch up on sleep later, I promise, but let’s pretend for now that we’re well-rested and alert and not a grumpy sleep deprived husk at all.”