@hoctor As background music I'd say the album works for me as a whole, but like, there's Pelican, God is an Astronaut, ISIS, Russian Circles, etc for that. I like #SleepToken leans too heavily on the uniqueness of the vocalist and struggles to come up with good instrumentation.
They perhaps have the potential to release a truly great album, but sort of like Metallica in their three albums since St. Anger, there's like a really great EP stuck in well over an hour of content.
I'd say it's important that when I personally say "3/5" it's the kind of the mix of great stuff and filler. It's not mediocre or slightly above average throughout.
Thank you for your consideration and sharing your opinion.
@leftistuu I think I agree with you in a disagreeing way. Not all of the album works, but where it does, it's sublime.
I also listened to the singles and couldn't get into them, but it all made much more sense when I listened to the album as a whole.
It's weird having listened to the newest #SleepToken record (Take Me Back to Eden), having discovered them a few months before during their singles releases and listening to their back catalog and like...
I don't know if being in a moderate camp on a cultural product is just hard to gauge. If you're going to write a Yelp review and you don't just always do that, you're probably going to write a 1 or a 5 star, not a 3 star.
There's a very rapidly growing hardcore group that has had the music, the live aesthetic, the vocalist's style as legitimately life changing. Then there are people that thinking their music is worthless.
I have three of their songs of their latest album on my 1000+ track Starred list on streaming ("Euclid," "Take Me Back to Eden," "Chokehold"). I also think a lot of their music is instrumentally uninteresting and the album, as a whole, is kind of boring to do an unbroken listen to.
I guess with proggy stuff I have an inherent thought that it will be album-oriented. Sleep Token seems to be much more of a singles band than is expected for their genre, and that's fine. It's an adjustment of my attitudes rather than their work.
I will say this came up with "Astronaut in the Ocean" (not by Sleep Token) which was blanketing #TikTok for forever before I ran into it on a shuffle. There's a lot of either being exposed to music on a very tight loop that seems to affect a lot of people. I don't use TikTok, had no idea about this song until a couple weeks ago, and thought it was pretty great even if its lyrics are pretty nonsensical and in the TikTok era pop/hip hop songs are going to come in at 2ish minutes than the 3-3.5 minutes millennials grew up with in radio edits.
But it felt like a lot of people had been emotionally scarred by music coming in such a barrage and it sort of meant that using TikTok and then any song that blows up there, leads to a rapid burnout.
Now let's get back to Sleep Token to finish up. Besides TikTok, another thing that can cause a lot of polarization is essentially buying pre-release hypes or interviews at face value. A lot of people pointed out that claims about it being radically experimental were, basically bullshit. I feel like listening to an album and ignoring what is being said about the album by anyone connected to the act itself is the better way to evaluate.
Every act is probably going to talk about their new project being experimental, or heavier, or whatever. #Chevelle does this and they've created albums that are definitely distinct recently but aren't a radical creative departure. An album has to be justified as to why it exists, and that's a common thing to say. I assume an album will be largely consistent of the act's sound, particularly their last album or their most recent well received one.
So Sleep Token's album is above average. This is a very long way of writing a 3 star review, which I feel explains why more 3 star reviews of anything not by actual critics aren't written.
#metal #music #newmusic #album #progmetal #prog #review #hype
#SleepToken #tiktok #chevelle #metal #Music #newmusic #album #progmetal #prog #review #hype
After listening permanently through ‚Take Me Back To Eden‘, I can confidently say: this album is an experience for the whole body and mind. Maybe my favorite record of the last ten years. It’s so good on so many different levels.
#NowPlaying #tmbte #SleepToken
i'll be honest for a moment and admit that i just can't fucking get enough of the latest #SleepToken https://open.spotify.com/album/1gjugH97doz3HktiEjx2vY?si=db2zOuRXRrG8N-Oca8siQQ
Do yourself a favor, listen to the new #SleepToken album ‚Take Me Back To Eden‘ and thank me later.
Probably my favorite album of the year. So emotional, well produced an written. Unbelievable!
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🎵 Take Me Back To Eden
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Take Me Back To Eden is going to be playing in my office all day, just so you know 🔥 #SleepToken #music
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another banger from #willramos of #lornashore - loving the #sleeptoken covers!
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