Just added a few more basic examples of route parameter usage in Kitten to the routing sample app:
#Kitten #SmallWeb #routing #web #dev #documentation #examples
#kitten #SmallWeb #routing #web #dev #documentation #examples
@strypey @dragestil Didn’t end. Has been evolving :)
(And is no longer limited to Apple’s platforms like the original prototype was.)
Kagi Small Web: like StumbleUpon, but for the small web.
I think at this point I’d like to opt out of the internet as it stands today, #smallweb for me please
I’m really enjoying Kagi’s “Small Web” feature. They’ve integrated it into their search (so, like Marginalia), but there’s also a feed of new pages from non-commercial, personal blogs from around the web that have been curated by Kagi staff so far and, seemingly, by users in the future. I’m glad to see #Kagi fighting back against the ever-increasing SEO- and commercialization of the web. And they have an RSS feed!
Kagi has introduced a new initiative called "Small Web" to highlight non-commercial, individual content on the internet.
The project aims to make this type of content easily discoverable through Kagi's search results, and it features a curated list of nearly 6,000 genuine websites. The entire initiative is open-source and community-driven.
#SmallWeb #web #search #openweb
Just published a minor update to @small-web/kitten¹ (the type safe library for accessing the Kitten² namespace).
The default export now contains all individually-exported objects.
(Previously, I’d left out some of the more esoteric ones to not clutter the auto-complete list during authoring but got bit by it myself in Domain³ when my unmet expectation that a property should exist lead to a crash).
¹ https://codeberg.org/kitten/globals
² https://codeberg.org/kitten/app
³ https://codeberg.org/domain/app
@awaspnest Haha, glad you like it. (And thank you for the kind words.) :)
There’s more to do but the goal is to use it to enable people (including me) to build peer-to-peer Small Web sites.
Here’s a very simple example of what I mean:
:kitten: 💕
#kitten #SmallWeb #peertopeer #e2ee #web #personalweb
@dietrich This is huge; thanks for sharing.
#SmallWeb #ed25519 #webcryptoapi
Kitten¹ now keeps two JSDB² databases per project: an internal one ('kitten._db`) that holds data Kitten manages (sessions, uploads, etc.) and the default one (`kitten.db`) that holds your own tables.
You’ll mostly only care about the latter.
I also took the opportunity to create a Database App Module example and document it in the readme:
¹ https://codeberg.org/kitten/app
² https://codeberg.org/small-tech/jsdb
#Kitten #SmallWeb #web #dev #database #JavaScriptDatabase #jsdb
#kitten #SmallWeb #web #dev #database #JavaScriptDatabase #jsdb
All Kitten¹ globals are now neatly in the kitten namespace².
(See @small-web/kitten³ for a lovely type safe object to work with.)
I’ve updated all the docs, etc., but if notice I’ve missed something, please do let me know either here on in an issue⁴.
I plan on updating Domain⁵ to use the new namespace over the weekend.
:kitten: 💕
¹ https://codeberg.org/kitten/app
² https://codeberg.org/kitten/app/issues/130
³ https://codeberg.org/kitten/globals
⁴ https://codeberg.org/kitten/app/issues
⁵ https://codeberg.org/domain/app
Kitten’s¹ runtime has now been updated to Node version 20.5.1.
Kitten, once released for production use, will be using the latest Node LTS as its runtime. For the time being, I’m following the latest Node 20 line due to a bug in the latest LTS (and 20 will become LTS soon).
Another heads up, since above is a big breaking change requiring all examples, etc., to be modified, I’ve decided to bite the bullet and also carry out a major API change at the same time that I’ve been putting off for a while:
All current references littering the global namespace will be neatly organised under the new kitten namespace.
So, for example:
html`<h1>Woo!</h1>` will become kitten.html`<h1>Woo!</h1>` and db will become kitten.db, etc.
Heads up if you’re playing with Kitten¹ (and playing with it is all you should be doing at the moment because it is pre-release and things can will break, which brings us to…)
I’m going to be splitting Kitten’s per-place database into two databases soon: One for Kitten’s own settings for your place and one for your place’s settings.
You will need to recreate the databases of existing projects.
Just got reminded in another thread of one of the last talks I gave before the pandemic hit – the opening keynote at NextM Warsaw:
Small Technology: the antidote to Big Tech
(This was before Kitten so at the end I’m demoing its precursor, Site.js. Although a lot of the core pieces are similar. If you want to see how far it has come since then, see the peer-to-peer end-to-end encrypted Kitten chat recording below¹)
¹ https://ar.al/2023/02/20/end-to-end-encrypted-kitten-chat/
New blogroll entry. I'm seriously surprised this time, because I was 100% sure it had already been added long ago...
Chris Wiegman has been on my RSS reader for a long time, probably a year and a half now. He's @chris on the Fediverse.
OSNews has added #gemini output (https://www.osnews.com/story/136770/osnews-launches-gemini-capsule/) and I am once again here to say how bad of a format Gemini is even though a low-spec 'Web is a good thing and I wish there was a better format. I've designed one, but gaining traction is a hopeless endeavour: https://gist.github.com/Kroc/6322deed2785ed1a744657a9dd6a1edc/ #web0 #smallweb
So thank goodness no one (but me) is using Kitten* yet because apparently there was a regression a while back that meant that on terminals without Sixel support, the command-line interface was hanging.
(Pro-tip: environment variables are always strings, don’t be a muppet and treat them like booleans.)
Anyway, it’s fixed now :)
:kitten: 💕
I've decided to regularly update my blogroll page and add one entry per day-ish, until it mirrors my actual RSS feed reader.
I'm talking about real people, represented in my Feedbin under the category "personal websites".
Today: Alison Wilder. She's @alisynthesis on the Fediverse.