I found this interesting web site, (https://versus.com/en) where you can compare many smartphones and obtain a very useful information to choice your next #smartphone.
I will NOT buy the new #FairPhone5, because my #FairPhone4 is just in its second year and does very well. The goal is to run it 5 to 7 years. I bought it for €650,- You can do the math yourself.
But maybe you need a new #Smartphone now. Then you should at least watch this video.
➡️ https://youtu.be/WEvaun63hzY?si=GEykKA00idFLhi8s
#fairphone5 #Fairphone4 #Smartphone
Suddenly, a vertical green line lightening on my Xperia screen has appeared...
« Apple shipped me a 79-pound iPhone repair kit to fix a 1.1-ounce battery »
#Technology #RightToRepair #Electronics #Apple #Smartphone
Freundschaften: Das Handy ist ein Handicap -
#Handy #Smartphone #Beziehungen #Kontakte #Freundschaft #Sozialverhalten #Lächeln #kennenlernen #Technologie #Ablenkung #Familie #Freunde #Fremde #Warten #Psychologie/Hirnforschung
#handy #Smartphone #Beziehungen #Kontakte #freundschaft #Sozialverhalten #lacheln #kennenlernen #technologie #ablenkung #familie #freunde #fremde #warten #Psychologie
[Samsung Dynamischer Sperrbildschirm]
Samsung bietet schon manch schönen Bildschirmhintergrund für seine Smartphones, welche auch noch zeitweise dynamisch wechseln. 😏
Ich nutze diese Funktion total gerne. 😀
Wer mag das noch?😁
#Samsung #Galaxy #A52 #Smartphone #Hintergrundbild #Sperrbildschirm
#samsung #galaxy #A52 #Smartphone #Hintergrundbild #Sperrbildschirm
1/3 I have not been in front of a large #display since September 2022, and only on a #laptop or #smartphone since. Can't wait to finally be back on the #bigscreen with #linux (soon). 🥳
#Linux #bigscreen #Smartphone #Laptop #Display
After testing for a couple weeks, Google's Pixel Fold convinced me that foldable phones have real utility. The camera's not as good, I worry about the hinge longevity, and the price is high, but it's no gimmick. https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/how-using-googles-pixel-fold-sold-me-on-foldable-phones/
#Google #Pixel #PixelFold #review #smartphone #foldable
#foldable #Smartphone #review #PixelFold #pixel #Google
Wie sehr leidet die Bildqualität von Fotos mit nem Handy (z.B. Google Pixel) bei der Nutzung einer #CustomROM? Hat da jemand Erfahrungen?
#qualitat #foto #Smartphone #Android #customrom
@CelloMomOnCars @chargrille Personally, I want the most sustainable tech to win.
I.e. most phones and laptops would really live longer if theor batteries used #LiFePO4 instead of #Lithium-#Cobalt (+Polymer)...
Even if that means the volumetric density would be lower, but I'd be accepting of a "#BigChungus" #THICC #phone (espechally #Smartphone) if it survives me...
#Smartphone #Phone #thicc #bigchungus #cobalt #lithium #LiFePO4
That's really bad and reminds me of Chinese #Smartphone #imports laced with #malware...
Seriously, @Fairphone - wtf?
Ich hab echt versucht, mein #smartphone auf deutsch zu nutzen, aber war mir dann doch zu kompliziert.
@roblen aktuell sind die Displays der #foldable #smartphone generationen noch zu empfindlich. Ich habe mein Galaxy Fold 4 nach zwei Wochen direkt zurückgegeben, war mir zu heikel am ende😅
Du könntest einmal bei nachfolgenden Kanal (in Englisch) auf YouTube zu dem Thema schauen:
Ich schaue dessen Videos schon seit Jahren, sehr informativ und definitiv besser meiner Meinung nach, als das was im deutschen Sprachraum verfügbar ist. 😏
#foldable #Smartphone #mrmobile
Can someone recommend a good looking case for an iPhone 13 Pro that doesn’t fall apart in the first year as the Apple cases do?
Was quite satisfied with Pela for my last phone but all the cases they have at the moment are quite ugly and/or boring.
Needs to be MagSafe compatible, of course.
#iphone #case #apple #smartphone
#Smartphone #Apple #case #iPhone
@roblen einst hatte ich auch im Frontend von WordPress meine Artikel geschrieben.
Bis ich dann irgendwann die Erfahrung gemacht hatte das mein Schreibfluss am besten auf dem Smartphone oder Tablet funktioniert und eher weniger am PC. 😏
#wordpress #frontend #schreibfluss #Smartphone #tablet
Nesta ilha da #Finlândia não entra #telemóvel 📵
#UlkoTammio #Smartphone #celular
#celular #Smartphone #ulkotammio #telemovel #finlandia
been thinking a lot about #telephone s today. Specifically what the ramifications would be about ditching my #Smartphone in favor of a landline, and I think the result is actually a net positive.
While I'm aware there is a lot of anxiety around making and picking up phone calls, it would require me to interact with people on a much more active level, rather than firing off a text while I'm in the middle of something.
That, and no more notifications. Which I would consider a good thing.