Tuesday #column: If you thought #SmartphoneTracking made you vulnerable, just you wait until global gene mapping lets The Man keep his beady eyes on you wherever you go... #SurveillanceState #GeneMapping #GoldenStateKiller #LinköpingKiller #writing
Gene-mapping the Linköping Killer:
#writing #surveillancestate #goldenstatekiller #column #Smartphonetracking #GeneMapping #LinköpingKiller
Tuesday #column: If you thought #SmartphoneTracking made you vulnerable, just you wait until global gene mapping lets The Man keep his beady eyes on you wherever you go... #SurveillanceState #GeneMapping #GoldenStateKiller #LinköpingKiller #writing
Gene-mapping the Linköping Killer:
#goldenstatekiller #Smartphonetracking #GeneMapping #column #surveillancestate #LinköpingKiller #writing
Google and Apple Plan to Turn Smartphones into Coronavirus Contact-Tracking Devices https://thehackernews.com/2020/04/iphone-android-coronavirus-tracing.html #Coronaviruspandemic #SmartphoneTracking #Androidtracking #Androidprivacy #CoronavirusMap #iPhonetracking #iPhoneprivacy #locationtrack #calltracking #Coronavirus #COVID-19
#iPhoneprivacy #locationtrack #CoronavirusPandemic #Smartphonetracking #Androidtracking #androidprivacy #coronavirusmap #iPhonetracking #calltracking #Coronavirus #covid