A cappella :anarchistflag: · @waldenecovillage
703 followers · 1662 posts · Server todon.eu

It's an obscene perversion that the military/ army is an advertiser/financial supporter of the NCAA, the final four, the NBA, the NFL and any organization that influences young and poor Americans with limited options to die/fight for capitalism.

#jingoism #SystemFail #dontdieforoligarchs #SmedleyButler #nowarbutclasswar #cannonfodder #poorpeopledieinwar #boycottcopshows

Last updated 2 years ago

A cappella :anarchistflag: · @waldenecovillage
697 followers · 1710 posts · Server todon.eu

I don't know about any of my fellow travelers, but I'm MUCH more concerned about what my own government (and its oligarch overlords) are/will do with my personal information, than I am about what the Chinese government will do with what they might glean- or their political influence.

#tiktok #prewarpropaganda #militaryindustrialcomplex #edwardsnowden #nsa #fbi #cia #cointelpro #chinaisnottheenemy #nowarforoligarchs #SmedleyButler #propaganda

Last updated 2 years ago

A cappella :anarchistflag: · @waldenecovillage
692 followers · 1765 posts · Server todon.eu

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm MUCH more concerned about what my own government (and its oligarch overlords) are/will do with my personal information, than I am about what the Chinese government will do with what they might glean.

#nsa #fbi #cia #cointelpro #tiktokpropaganda #chinaisnottheenemy #nowarforoligarchs #SmedleyButler #propaganda #edwardsnowden

Last updated 2 years ago

2/2 Prof 's account is solid. When it comes to a history of , there's so much material to get through its understandable that you are not able to cover everything in detail.

For anyone interested the documentary, JFK to 9/11: Rich Man's Trick delves into all the points mentioned in detail. Exposing the actual perpetrators and heroes:

#GabrielRockhill #fascism #SmedleyButler #ford #bankofengland #colgate #birdsEye #standardoil #rothschild #mafia #royals

Last updated 4 years ago

is also a real thing.

Empires gut themselves from the inside. You do realise that the military have been lying to the for four years. The that the Great warned off and wrote about in is here.

These are not small lies.

The entire was effectively a lie to gut the last semblances of and to weaponise the .

Again, not small.

has alotta sh!t to gonna mop up.


#TheFourthTurning #potus #militaryCoup #SmedleyButler #warisaracket #waronterror #soveriegnty #usd #whyBitcoin

Last updated 4 years ago

He was a former military man who stopped the from becoming an overtly country. is a hero.

Sadly his plans were not fully realised. We wonder how much better the US would be today if had acted:

His story in covered in the first 30 minutes, complete with footage:

#us #fascist #SmedleyButler #fdr

Last updated 5 years ago