It's an obscene perversion that the military/ army is an advertiser/financial supporter of the NCAA, the final four, the NBA, the NFL and any organization that influences young and poor Americans with limited options to die/fight for capitalism.
#jingoism #SystemFail #dontdieforoligarchs #SmedleyButler #nowarbutclasswar #cannonfodder #poorpeopledieinwar #boycottcopshows
I don't know about any of my fellow travelers, but I'm MUCH more concerned about what my own government (and its oligarch overlords) are/will do with my personal information, than I am about what the Chinese government will do with what they might glean- or their political influence.
#tiktok #prewarpropaganda #militaryindustrialcomplex #edwardsnowden #nsa #fbi #cia #cointelpro #chinaisnottheenemy #nowarforoligarchs #SmedleyButler #propaganda
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm MUCH more concerned about what my own government (and its oligarch overlords) are/will do with my personal information, than I am about what the Chinese government will do with what they might glean.
#nsa #fbi #cia #cointelpro #tiktokpropaganda #chinaisnottheenemy #nowarforoligarchs #SmedleyButler #propaganda #edwardsnowden
They tell us via #legacyMedia and now #socialMedia, to blame the #BigBadGovt, but this narrative feeds into the above.
Fascism is the melding of govt and #bigBusiness. Today's system is #fascism, not #capitalism.
Some have called it #CorporateTotalitarianism, or #CorporateState.
To fight it requires getting #NEOed. #Networking #Educating #Organising Engaging with Power, #Disobeying.
#antiTrust #corporateCoup #TheFed #SmedleyButler #whyBitcoin
@orekix @mlg
#legacymedia #socialmedia #BigBadGovt #bigBusiness #fascism #capitalism #CorporateTotalitarianism #corporateState #NEOED #networking #educating #organising #Disobeying #antitrust #corporatecoup #thefed #SmedleyButler #whyBitcoin
2/2 Prof #GabrielRockhill's account is solid. When it comes to a history of #fascism, there's so much material to get through its understandable that you are not able to cover everything in detail.
For anyone interested the documentary, JFK to 9/11: Rich Man's Trick delves into all the points mentioned in detail. Exposing the actual perpetrators and heroes:
#SmedleyButler #ford #bankOfEngland #colgate #birdsEye #standardOil #rothschild #mafia #royals
#GabrielRockhill #fascism #SmedleyButler #ford #bankofengland #colgate #birdsEye #standardoil #rothschild #mafia #royals
#TheFourthTurning is also a real thing.
Empires gut themselves from the inside. You do realise that the military have been lying to the #PoTUS for four years. The #militaryCoup that the Great #SmedleyButler warned off and wrote about in #WarIsARacket is here.
These are not small lies.
The entire #WarOnTerror was effectively a lie to gut the last semblances of #soveriegnty and to weaponise the #USD.
Again, not small.
#WhyBitcoin has alotta sh!t to gonna mop up.
#TheFourthTurning #potus #militaryCoup #SmedleyButler #warisaracket #waronterror #soveriegnty #usd #whyBitcoin
"If you can't beat 'em, drop #depletedUranuim on them and produce deformed and damaged #children."
The new mantra of the US and its allies we suspect.
#CantillonEffect #moneyPrinting #warIsARacket #smedleyButler #imperialists #ushegemony #nuclear #nuclearEnergy #colonialWars #oilWars #rationing #fiatCollapse #bitcoinStandard
#depletedUranuim #children #cantilloneffect #moneyPrinting #warisaracket #SmedleyButler #imperialists #ushegemony #nuclear #nuclearEnergy #colonialWars #oilwars #rationing #fiatCollapse #bitcoinStandard
He was a former military man who stopped the #US from becoming an overtly #fascist country. #SmedleyButler is a hero.
Sadly his plans were not fully realised. We wonder how much better the US would be today if #FDR had acted:
His story in covered in the first 30 minutes, complete with footage:
#us #fascist #SmedleyButler #fdr
No Goddamn Fucking War In Iran You Imperialist Warmongering Cunts Who Should Go Kill Yourselves Because You Are A Super-Massive Drain On The Global Society.
#NoWarInIran #Iran #ThinkingOfIran #Trump #DonaldTrump
#Afganistan #AfganistanPapers #lithium #opium #oilwars #fossilfuels #Iraq #WMDs #WMD #regimeChange #regimeChangeWars #USA #warmonger #imperialist #imperialism #MIC #militaryIndustrialComplex #Raytheon #Boeing #LockheedMartin #SmedleyButler #WarIsARacket
#NoWarInIran #iran #ThinkingOfIran #trump #donaldtrump #Afganistan #AfganistanPapers #lithium #opium #oilwars #fossilfuels #iraq #WMDs #WMD #regimechange #regimeChangeWars #usa #warmonger #imperialist #imperialism #mic #militaryindustrialcomplex #Raytheon #boeing #LockheedMartin #SmedleyButler #warisaracket