16 days smoke free.. After more than 20 years...
I feel great, haven't had any major craving crisis and even the minor one seems just passing by without much impact..
I know why I used to smoke, exactly why, so I'm not running away anymore.
And contrary to other times I tried to stop, I'm not having violent nightmares or difficulty to sleep.
It's bit harder to sleep early though but I'm confident I'll self regulate. #nopatch #nohelp #quitsmoking #smokefree
#SmokeFree #QuitSmoking #NoHelp #nopatch
RT @nwalker25021458@twitter.com
New Zealand’s world leading #Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked #Tobacco) Amendment Bill has now officially passed into law.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/nwalker25021458/status/1602556952990560256