A boat overturns in the chaos as people line the Smyrna dock seeking passage out of Asia Minor.
Source: David E. Moore Collection.

More: greek-genocide.net/index.php/p

#armenians #greeks #GreekGenocide #catastrophe #100Years #SmyrnaHolocaust #smyrna

Last updated 2 years ago

The final phase of the Greek Genocide took place at in Sep 1922 when forces entered the city and took part in an orgy of looting, rape & massacre that targeted the city's population, primarily Greeks & Armenians. They then burnt the city to the ground. The term refers to the wholesale slaughter of the Smyrna populace, which at the time was majority Christian & also to the fire that completely destroyed the city.

Learn more: greek-genocide.net/index.php/o

#SmyrnaHolocaust #christian #Kemalist #smyrna

Last updated 2 years ago