※ The "#Bellman" from the front cover of #HenryHoliday's illustration to #LewisCarroll’s "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark" (1876).
※ #FatherTime from an English School painting (by an unknown artist, ca. 1610) of "Queen Elizabeth I at old age".
+++ https://snrk.de/time/ +++
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#introduction: While the focus of my @snark is on Henry Holiday's illustrations to Lewis Carroll's tragicomedy "The Hunting of the Snark" (https://snrk.de/snarkhunt), @snarkology is the place for snarkologists (e.g. those from https://snarkology.net/) for more scholarly Snark hunting.
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #LewisCarroll #HenryHoliday #Victodon #VictorianLiterature #VictorianLit #Victorian #Literature #ChildrensBooks #Snarkology #Boojum
#introduction #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #lewiscarroll #HenryHoliday #Victodon #victorianliterature #VictorianLit #Victorian #literature #childrensbooks #Snarkology #Boojum