The style of #SniperElite5 also hits one other critical element: No kids allowed!
I have young kids and keep a close eye on their media consumption volume & quality. Lots of wholesome educational, constructive stuff… so it’s nice to do something definitively adult when they’re otherwise occupied.
Key elements that hit this include:
- over-the-top goretastic fatality animations
- mini bios for enemy soldiers
- zero-regret #Nazi slaying
- historic setting
- slow / jump scare pacing
Fun times!
I’m a #PatientGamer / #ParentGamer these days. I don’t have the muscle memory to compete in #PvP #FPS games, don’t have the time for the #Destiny grind or sprawling strategy games, and reject the Skinner box free to play #videogames on principle.
#SniperElite5 has a great tempo for me. You can sneak around and do stealth take downs. You can do a quick Rambo Run but will absolutely pay for it if you fail to plan. Load outs are flexible but not bewildering :blobfoxheartcute:
#patientgamer #parentgamer #pvp #fps #destiny #videogames #SniperElite5
Just discovered #SniperElite5 and am loving it. First #VideoGame I’ve gotten into in a minute.
It combines the sneakiness of classic #SplinterCell with the vintage feel I remember from the good #CallOfDuty and #Battlefield games.
The overall vibe is similar to Tom Clancy’s #GhostReconWildlands and #ShadowOf
Mordor, both of which I also really enjoyed.
#SniperElite5 #videogame #splintercell #callofduty #battlefield #ghostreconwildlands #shadowof
Die neuen #PlaystationPlus #Extra und #Premium Titel sind da und wie gewohnt auch per #Cloudgaming verfügbar (Konsole + PC).
Darunter Highlights wie:
Was für euch dabei?
#PlaystationPlus #extra #premium #cloudgaming #ittakestwo #SniperElite5 #undertale #Snowrunner #teamcloud
Knick Knack. I'm a simple man: There's a Nazi in the game, i kill it.
#SniperElite5 #stealth #sniper #gaming #virtualphotography
Here we go again, killing some Nazis. Thank you, Steam sale.
#SniperElite5 #stealth #sniper #gaming
Eindelijk heb ik alle Stone Eagles èn workbenches gevonden in #SniperElite5
#Gaming #AAAGaming #SniperElite5
Seit ein paar Tagen zocke ich Sniper Elite 5 und bin direkt wieder im Gameplay Loop🙂
In weitläufigen Leveln Nazis wegsnipern ist irgendwie immer wieder unterhaltsam😅
Die Sniper Elite Reihe ist übrigens einer der wenigen Spielereihen, wo mir die Story vollkommen egal ist (was auch gut ist, da die "Story" in der Reihe noch nie gut war).
Die Reihe lebt m.E. vom Snipern🙂
Ich bin gespannt, ob's am Ende wieder eine Bonusmission gibt wo man Hitler killen kann😅
#SniperElite5 #AAAGaming #gaming
Ik moet nog een aantal Stone Eagles en 2 kill opdrachten (iemand vermoorden met een hanglamp en 1 in beton storten geloof ik) Kortom, ik kan wel weer een DLC gebruiken. #SniperElite5
Eindelijk heb ik alle workbenches in alle missions van #SniperElite5 weten te vinden.
Great to see Edouard's talent recognised. I've worked with a bunch of brilliant concept artists over the years but he's one of the fastest and best - the man is a machine! All whilst simultaneously being a lovely and insanely-humble chap. The bastard.
#gamedev #conceptart #SniperElite5 #sniperelite
The RPS Selection Box: James's bonus games of the year 2022 - #StrayBombayCompany #ApertureDeskJob #RPSSelectionBox #TheAnacrusis #SniperElite5 #Blockbuster #Rebellion #Indie #Valve
#valve #indie #rebellion #blockbuster #SniperElite5 #TheAnacrusis #rpsselectionbox #ApertureDeskJob #straybombaycompany
The #SteamOS had an update on #SteamDeck today, & since then #SniperElite5 starts with half the screen blacked out like this. Pretty weird. Noy playable.
#steamos #SteamDeck #SniperElite5
Completed today ✅ #SniperElite5 main campaign. It felt like an expansion to Sniper Elite 4 and not like a new game costing full price. The game mechanics were often the same or had regressed in comparison to its predecessor. I loved playing it in #coop mode.
2022 was the best year for games in many years. Here's 17 reasons why: "The Best Video Games Of 2022."
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#BestGamesOf2022 #BestGamesOfTheYear #BestGamesOfTheYear2022 #BestVideoGamesOf2022 #BestVideoGamesOfTheYear #gaming #games #VideoGames #HorizonForbiddenWest #GhostwireTokyo #TinyTinasWonderlands #SniperElite5 #DiabloImmortal #Stray #Rollerdrome #MetalHellsinger #GodOfWarRagnarok #TheCallistoProtocol #TerrorOfHemasaurus #HighOnLife
#bestgamesof2022 #bestgamesoftheyear #bestgamesoftheyear2022 #bestvideogamesof2022 #bestvideogamesoftheyear #gaming #games #videogames #HorizonForbiddenWest #ghostwiretokyo #TinyTinasWonderlands #SniperElite5 #diabloimmortal #stray #Rollerdrome #metalhellsinger #GodOfWarRagnarok #TheCallistoProtocol #terrorofhemasaurus #highonlife