Überwachung: #NSA soll weltweit "mit Würde und Respekt" spionieren
Haha, selten so gelacht. 😜
fefe hat's super zusammengefasst, was davon zu halten ist: https://blog.fefe.de/?ts=9a14f0ca
Das ist alles nur Show, damit die #EU wieder offiziell unsere Daten in die #cloud hochlädt.
#Spionage #USA #GDPR #privacy #security #DSGVO #DataPrivacyFramework #Snowden #Google #AWS #Apple 🤡
#nsa #eu #cloud #Spionage #usa #gdpr #privacy #security #dsgvo #DataPrivacyFRAMEWORK #Snowden #google #aws #apple
@vamanimal @Seirdy @signalapp @neurovagrant
Either you are criminally ignorant or refuse to acknowledge the existance of #Bulk #MassSurveillance 10+ years after #Snowden...
Do you think I'm a complete dipshit?
I literally worked on #LawfulInterception gear at a Telco!
#LawfulInterception #Snowden #masssurveillance #bulk
@cianhan @Ozmopolitan Personally, I'm glad I never used #NSAbook and even before the whole #Snowden revelations keep my stuff #SelfHosted...
@thunderbird It's an act of self- and mutual defense against #NSAbook which acts as #Stati 4.0 in #SurveillanceCapitalism.
As we now since at least #Snowden: #AllGafamsAreEvil!
#allgafamsareevil #Snowden #SurveillanceCapitalism #stati #NSAbook
@kubikpixel Das Problem ist nicht dass #Snowden in #Russland abgetaucht ist, sondern dass die gesamte #EU & #EFTA - insbesondere die #Schweiz und #Deutschland - vor dem #Cyberfaschismus und Hegemonialansprüchen der #USA eingeknickt sind.
#Putin hat Snowden auch nur als #Mittelfinger gegen die USA nicht ausgeliefert...
#mittelfinger #Putin #USA #cyberfaschismus #Deutschland #Schweiz #efta #EU #russland #Snowden
I don't think Snowden's disclosures were revelatory, anyone alive during the 70s knew #NSA was listening to everything, not worth giving up a girlfriend and job in Hawaii!?!?
10年前 #Snowden 由香港逃往莫斯科,俄羅斯外長一開始的說法是他「沒有入境」,但新聞報導大多即時指出,俄羅斯也沒有否認 Snowden 已人在莫斯科機場,只要他仍在禁區,未過入境檢查站,法律上他也不算身在俄羅斯
heise hat die deutsche Perspektive der Geschehnisse seither zusammengefasst:
Edward #Snowden: Die Enthüllungen des #NSA-Whistleblowers 10 Jahre später
On this very day, ten years ago #Snowden flew from Hawaii to Hong Kong, starting his brave journey to tell the world how national agencies (not only in the #USA) are practicing illegal #surveillance to an extend we did not even want to think.
By coincidence, we saw the movie by #OliverStone today. If you haven't seen it, watch it.
I'm afraid not much has changed since then in general. Except, https has surpassed http (unencrypted web traffic), which is awesome. Let's continue this improvement!
#Snowden #usa #surveillance #OliverStone
@autonomysolidarity @eff this is no surprise...
NOTHING in terms of #WarrantlessSurveillance was ever repealed or cut down.
#PRISM still runs on full blast and everyone who still uses #GAFAM|s and their products post-#Snowden is guilty in supporting said #MassSurveillance and the privatized #Stasi 4.0!
#stasi #masssurveillance #Snowden #gafam #prism #warrantlessSurveillance
@alaric @mimsical people still using #NSAbook / #StasiBook post - #Snowden should really reevaluate how they use #tech and either stop using it since they're basically unpaid "unofficial employees" of #SurveillanceCapitalism aka. #Cyberfacism or fucking get their shit together and learn fundamentals in #ITsec, #InfoSec, #OpSec & #ComSec...
#comsec #opsec #InfoSec #ITSec #cyberfacism #SurveillanceCapitalism #Tech #Snowden #stasibook #NSAbook
@lukiworker @anneroth der war gut.
#Deutschland|s #Feigheit in der Causa #Snowden ist beschämend.
Ansonsten hat das @bsi nen ganzen Tross an privaten #Consulting-Firmen mit allzuoft dreibuchstabigen Namen vor der Rechtsform...
Ruhig mal #Xing & #StepStone nachgucken wer (außer der verkorkst-privatisierten #Bundeswehr-IT) noch #SÜ2 für ne Anstellung will...
#su2 #bundeswehr #stepstone #xing #consulting #Snowden #Feigheit #Deutschland
Hmmm, Should the #Russian asset keep the keys to the propaganda machine, or should we hand them to the American that defected to Russia because committed treason that one time?
#ElonMusk #Snowden #Twitter #Russian
Hmmm, Should the #Russian asset keep the keys to the propaganda machine, or should we hand them to the American that defected to Russia because he committed treason that one time?
#ElonMusk #Snowden #Twitter #Russian
I look forward to the day when commentators who sniff at Edward Snowden's failure to supply them with a critique of Putin, show courage & personal risk equivalent to what Mr. Snowden has shown in his own life. We are all in debt to Edward Snowden.
Tovarisch Ed, enjoy your Siberian FSB-controlled dacha.
Maybe you will be rewarded with a toilet in a few years. Perhaps, with good behavior, even a washing machine following that!
#narcissist #Snowden #natsec #traitor #defector
Bueno pues #Snowden ya recibió la ciudadanía rusa el mes pasado. Hoy es noticia que ha jurado lealtad a Rusia y ha recogido su pasaporte.
¿Recordáis quién lo llevó a ese país, verdad? Parece que 5 periódicos mundiales lo han obviado/olvidado esta semana.