Global News BC: Early snowmelt a trend in Western Canadian mountains: study #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #UniversityOfBritishColumbia #UniversityofColoradoBoulder #Westernmountains #WesternCanada #Environment #Freshetmelt #BCFlooding #SpringMelt #Snowpack #Weather #BCmelt #Winter #UBC #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #UniversityofBritishColumbia #universityofcoloradoboulder #westernmountains #WesternCanada #environment #freshetmelt #BCFlooding #springmelt #Snowpack #Weather #bcmelt #winter #ubc #BC
Steep, freezing and fast: California’s epic #snowpack promises a #whitewater #rafting season for the ages (LAT $)
#Snowpack #whitewater #rafting
#CalFire news release on spring runoff dangers #CAwater #snowpack #CAFlooding
#CalFire #cawater #Snowpack #caflooding
California’s #snowpack is among the deepest ever. Now get ready for perilous ‘big melt’ #cawater #CAFlooding
#Snowpack #cawater #caflooding
California now vibrant
Drought no more, storms so persistent
All-time snowpack high
#california #drought #snowpack #haiku #poetry
#california #drought #Snowpack #haiku #poetry
@BrianJopek She’s passing through #California now & really packed a wallop yesterday with heavy winds. I know it’s difficult on many, but I am grateful for the #SnowPack and moisture she’s left behind. We’ve been ravaged by #drought & #wildfires for several years and these #storms have filled many of our lakes & reservoirs. California, & the west, needs every precious drop. May you be safe as she passes your way.
#storms #wildfires #drought #Snowpack #California
@allochthonous And something for those short term thinkers.
#waterrelease #FlamingGorge #LakePowell #WaterLevels #SnowPack #ColoradoRiver
#coloradoriver #Snowpack #waterlevels #lakepowell #flaminggorge #waterrelease
Global News BC: B.C.’s deadly avalanche season #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #AvalancheCanada #Backcountry #SimonHorton #fatalities #Forecaster #Lifestyle #avalanche #Snowpack #hazards #skiers #Risks
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #AvalancheCanada #backcountry #simonhorton #fatalities #forecaster #lifestyle #avalanche #Snowpack #hazards #skiers #risks
Global News BC: Snowpack level in Okanagan at 121%, highest in province #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCRiverForecastCentre #RiverForecastCentre #riverforestcentre #BCsnowpacklevels #BoundaryRegion #snowpacklevels #BCsnowpack #Snowpack #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcriverforecastcentre #riverforecastcentre #riverforestcentre #bcsnowpacklevels #BoundaryRegion #snowpacklevels #bcsnowpack #Snowpack #Canada
#WaterMeditation #WaterThoughts
Today I contemplated my #WaterBottle.
Perhaps you, like me, have a water bottle nearby as you are reading this so that you can take a sip whenever you are so moved. Maybe it’s a translucent bottle and you can see how much there is, or it’s opaque and when you lift it you can feel the water sloshing within.
Think about the water in the bottle. It most likely came from a #reservoir or an #aquifer, or some other source that you’ve chosen or that your municipality uses.
That water probably came from rain that fell either on a #mountaintop to create #SnowPack that would later melt into a #river to fill a reservoir or that fell on the ground and seeped through the #soil and #rock to refill the aquifer.
Water from a puddle outside my house might have evaporated and traveled the long miles between us to bathe your water source in a wild #thunderstorm or a gentle #SpringShower. Then it flowed through the system to wind up in your bottle.
Take a sip now. Feel the water in your mouth. Feel how your body yearns for it, welcomes it. Let it slide down your throat to be literally incorporated into your body, replenishing and cleansing every cell of your being.
Water makes possible every function you need to stay alive. We share the same relationship with water. We all need it in the same way. No matter what our differences, we are united in our relationship with water.
Remember the water today.
#watermeditation #WaterThoughts #waterbottle #Reservoir #aquifer #mountaintop #Snowpack #river #soil #rock #thunderstorm #springshower
@weathermatrix @ai6yr so good, thanks for sharing ❄️ #SierraNevada #Mountains #SnowPack
#Sierranevada #mountains #Snowpack
via manual survey recorded 55.5 inches of snow depth and a snow water equivalent of 17.5 inches, which is 177 percent of average for this location. Statewide the #snowpack is 174 percent of average for this date. #California
Alpine slopes face #snow shortage in unseasonably warm winter
#snowpack #weather #climate #Alps
#alps #Climate #Weather #Snowpack #Snow
Global News BC: Avalanche warnings expand into Banff, Yoho, Kootenay and Jasper national parks #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Albertaavalanchewarning #AvalancheWarnings #BackcountrySafety #AvalancheCanada #RockyMountains #AvalancheRisk #Environment #avalanches #avalanche #Snowpack #Weather #Canada #Skiing #Banff #AST
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #Albertaavalanchewarning #AvalancheWarnings #BackcountrySafety #AvalancheCanada #rockymountains #AvalancheRisk #environment #avalanches #avalanche #Snowpack #Weather #Canada #skiing #banff #AST
Pink snow is red flag for West’s water (Pink alert for Western #snowpack)
Chlamydomonas nivalis, a red-pigmented green #algae found in high alpine and polar regions around globe, #glacierblood, could play a major role in melting #glaciers and #snowfields.
#snowfields #glaciers #glacierblood #algae #Snowpack
Limiting #GlobalWarming Now Can Preserve Valuable Freshwater Resource
Berkeley Lab researchers highlight need to implement wide-scale carbon mitigation strategies to maintain #snowpack throughout the Americas #Water
#globalwarming #Snowpack #water