@jkb @lolennui Oh, the beauty of a #socialcontract!
Now please proceed to study John #Rawls' #Justice as #Fairness. And do not stop there, because - there's so much more to it, so... enjoy ;-)
#SocialContract #rawls #justice #fairness
RT @decarobin: La guerre contre #Ukraine et la pandémie sont un appel à faire avancer l'intégration européenne
Le @WorkersEESC soutient une évolution vers un modèle de croissance durable à forte dimension sociale et un #SocialContract renouvelé .
#EESCPlenary #CoFoE
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1526928037954129928
#Ukraine #SocialContract #EESCplenary #CoFoE
RT @oliverroepke: "The war against #Ukraine and the pandemic are a call to push forward European integration."
The @WorkersEESC supports a shift to a sustainable growth model with a strong social dimension and a renewed #SocialContract.
Thank you @eucopresident for the debate #EESCPlenary.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1526926966439522304
#Ukraine #SocialContract #EESCplenary #CoFoE