Interpretation of deaths <60yo are now a Rorschach test for what a bought and sold Eugenics piece of shit someone is, based on their acknowledgment of contributing upstream determinants or dismissal of such.
White Men are by FAR the fucking worst anecdotally.
#COVID19 #SocialDarwinism #eugenics #poverty #Racism
"Smiles are Back!" media campaign to basicallu eradicate 95% of public health measures initiated to protect other people (and ourselves) undid any belief I could ever have that theres an ounce of redeemability in Capitalism as we know & have known it.
Not to mention the inherent patronizing anti-Feminist implications of such a slogan.
#SocialDarwinism #CovidIsNotOver #Eugenics #latestagecapitalism
#SocialDarwinism #CovidIsNotOver #eugenics #latestagecapitalism
#capitalism #systemsupport #systemfirst #socialdarwinism #slaveculture
#capitalism #systemsupport #systemfirst #SocialDarwinism #slaveculture
@CharlotteEowyn "You get what you work for" sounds like a replacement for the [in Germany banned] Nazi phrase "Everyone what they deserve" (Original: "Jedem das Seine")...
It's just #LateStageCapitalism doing #SocialDarwinism...
#SocialDarwinism #latestagecapitalism
No more ableist environment than in medical school.
That needs to be fixed before an entire class of unseen, unheard patients can receive equitable treatment & therapies.
#Ableism #Residency #SocialDarwinism #neurodivergent #ADHD #AUDHD
#ableism #residency #SocialDarwinism #neurodivergent #adhd #AuDHD
@luckytran *nodds in agreement*
Instead #SocialDarwinism and blatant #Wanker|ism is being normalized...
And that is the problem...
#whatyouallowiswhatwillcontinue #wanker #SocialDarwinism
No I wont go to your gathering indoors without 21st century -- and incidentally early 20th century NY City Code -- mitigations.
Yes, I see your indifference to long covid and my wife's residual respiratory symptoms as social Darwinist bigotry.
Thanks for the invite anyway.
#COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #SocialDarwinism
@bethlinas it'll do what it always has done:
#Paywall #healthcare harder and double-down on #ForProfit-based #SocialDarwinism...
After all, there weren't riots nor actualy uprisings when vital healthcare and social safety nets got cut in the past or recently, so why would those responsible do anything else but do whatever "makes the ine go up"...
#SocialDarwinism #forprofit #Healthcare #paywall
@quietmarc and yes, I severly hate that almost all governments chose #SocialDarwinism and the removal of sound as well as peer-reviewed regulations and measures that predate 'Rona...
Today in Labor History February 16, 1834: Ernst Haeckel was born. He was a zoologist, physician, artist, and one of the earliest proponents of Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. He discovered and named thousands of organisms. He coined the terms: Ecology, phylum, phylogeny and protista. Haeckel made beautiful drawings of thousands of plant, animal and marine organisms, collected in his book, “Kunstformen der Natur” (Art Forms of Nature). His biological drawings influenced the art nouveau movement. His books were banned by the Nazis, yet he was a eugenicist and a supporter of scientific racism and Social Darwinism, views which, according to paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould, contributed to the rise of Nazism.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #nazis #racism #darwin #SocialDarwinism #ErnstHaeckel #evolution #NaturalSelection #ArtNouveau @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #nazis #racism #darwin #SocialDarwinism #ernsthaeckel #evolution #naturalselection #artnouveau
#SocialDarwinism is the decoy used by the rich that makes people making $25/h believe that people making $15/h or less are the problem...
Government exists to protect public health, safety, and welfare. Or at least it did until Reagan Republicans decided that people who couldn’t afford to save themselves did not deserve to live. #RuggedIndividualism #Eugenics #Libertarians #DeathCult #SocialDarwinism #SurvivalOfTheFittest #SurvivalOfTheRichest
Vote for Democrats
#SurvivalOfTheRichest #survivalofthefittest #SocialDarwinism #deathcult #libertarians #eugenics #RuggedIndividualism
#EffectiveAltruism / #Longtermerism is just dressed up #eugenics and #SocialDarwinism for the #billionaire class.
#effectivealtruism #longtermerism #eugenics #SocialDarwinism #billionaire
#EffectiveAltruism / #Longtermerism is just dressed up #eugenics and #SocialDarwinism for the #billionaire class.
#effectivealtruism #longtermerism #eugenics #SocialDarwinism #billionaire
The father of Social Darwinism was a philosopher named Herbert Spencer. Unlike Darwin, though, Spencer did not really have any particular love toward animals, and he saw them as inferior.
Spencer's fundamental error was that he ignored the truism that it is a part of human nature, not antithetical to it, to intervene to improve their quality of life, and he believed that a successful con artist should be deemed more deserving than an honest person, which is loony.
The field of #Epidemiology isn't that great anyway, not sure what they've missed out on other than some colonial eugenicist interpretation of "On the Origin of Species".
#SocialDarwinism masquerading as #Science. At least based on sampling prominent voices on #BirdApp over the last 3+ years.
#birdapp #science #SocialDarwinism #epidemiology
💔 I HATE them!!! for WHAT THEY HAVE DONE to #Humanity
🌹 They ARE #Depopulation #Eugenists
🌹 They believe in #Darwinism & #SocialDarwinism & SURVIVAL of the Fittest
🩸Round 1 🩸 #COVID19 #Lockdowns & #Mandates
🩸 Is About REMOVING the Gullible ignorant RULE following Minions
🩸 Those Who Offer Up Themselves & Their OffSpring🩸to THEM
🩸 for some little Crumbs
🩸 for their UseLess 3D tokens
🔥 Round 2 🔥 #ClimateChange #LockDowns
🔥 Is About REMOVING the Lazy & Weak & those who aren’t capable of taking care of themselves
🌹 will eliminate More & More of US
😭I’m So So So Sorry!😭
Please #RescueYOURSELF
Please Get As FAR AWAY from THEM As U Possibly Can
Please Don’t EVER PLAY their GAME
#RescueYourself #climatechange #mandates #lockdowns #COVID19 #SocialDarwinism #darwinism #Eugenists #depopulation #humanity
> Why help these guys ruin what’s left of the internet, much less civilisation?...
The #Mindset also includes a #FaithBased #SiliconValley certainty that they can develop a technology that will somehow break the laws of physics, economics and morality to offer them something even better than a way of saving the world: a means of escape from the apocalypse of their own making.
#DouglasRushkoff on
#SocialDarwinism #NeoLiberalism #TheCorporation #WealthyPsychos
#WealthyPsychos #thecorporation #neoliberalism #SocialDarwinism #douglasrushkoff #siliconvalley #FaithBased #mindset
#corona #COVID19 #Netherlands #Rutte #SocialDarwinism #eugenics #HumanRights
Last week, newly-elected party leader called out Dutch govt on deliberately pursing #HerdImmunity strategy of maximum infections.
Yesterday, FOIA disclosures proved her right.
Today, she is rallying for support, as the cabinet doubles down.
#herdimmunity #HumanRights #eugenics #SocialDarwinism #rutte #Netherlands #COVID19 #corona