We need #SocialEpidemiology because states pretend to conduct these studies all the time, but using none of the methods, principles or evidence that we've built to control for systemic factors that confound the results. Let's say an association is found between BMI and number of times a student has been suspended? BMI issues aside, how are you controlling for the disparities in school discipline rates that we know for a fact exist in our schools— especially around race?
A student cited one of those papers that says #homophobia is not correlated with adolescent depression— bullying is. I'm not going to call anyone out by name, but with love in my heart: if you're going to make a statement like this, but you DIDN'T collect #SOGI data, and didn't run analyses where you included this as a covariate nor stratify by identity, you're just doing it wrong. And in doing so, causing harm.
#LGBTQ #LGBT #SocialEpidemiology #SocialEpi
#homophobia #sogi #lgbtq #lgbt #SocialEpidemiology #socialepi
So, spring is almost here, OK, not true, but my Political #Epidemiology class starts in January. Always on the look-out for new papers to assign for class. First half of the semester we spend with @MiguelHernan's What If, with Daniel Westreich's Epidemiology by Design, a Causal Approach to the Health Sciences, for back-up. The second half...2/
#epidemiology #causalinference #SocialEpidemiology
Anyone have a good recommendation for walking someone through mixed-effects modeling and #DataViz in R? #rstats #stats #epidemiology #SocialEpidemiology
#dataviz #rstats #stats #epidemiology #SocialEpidemiology
Was looking for slides for tonight's class at BUSSW and found this cache of plots I'd made using R, STATA and QGIS while at BUSPH. These came out of my GIS course in #PublicHealth school, where I used the final spatial/GIS exam to explore the relationship of police presence and crime. #SocialEpidemiology #Criminology #Epidemiology #GIS #Surveillance #SurveillanceBias #QGIS #RStates #R #STATA
#publichealth #SocialEpidemiology #criminology #epidemiology #gis #surveillance #surveillancebias #qgis #rstates #r #stata
✨ Hello #EpiVerse and friends! ✨
I'm Jen, a psychiatric epidemiologist and public mental health researcher, currently working at UCL.
I am interested in the social and spatial determinants of mental illnesses. Much of my research has focused on migrants, refugees, and other historically marginalised populations.
#PsychEpi #Epidemiology #SocialEpidemiology #SpatialEpi #SystemsThinking #Simulation #AgentBasedModelling #SocialDeterminantsOfHealth #DataScience
#PublicMentalHealth #MentalHealth
#mentalhealth #PublicMentalHealth #datascience #socialdeterminantsofhealth #AgentBasedModelling #simulation #systemsthinking #SpatialEpi #SocialEpidemiology #epidemiology #PsychEpi #epiverse