You ever throw out a #HotTake about something here, then after an hour have your doubts and trash the post?
I do, I did, I will… #SocialMediaAnxiety
It’s very tempting, but I worry about random favoriting. It’s like I’m either going to step on a landmine, p%ss somebody off, or send mixed signals. One thing is for certain — I have way too much time on my hands. #socialmediaanxiety #overthinkingit #originalhashtagsthough
#SocialMediaAnxiety #overthinkingit #originalhashtagsthough
You don't have to post hot-takes if you don't about the subject.
Relax. You're just writing micro blog posts. People will favourite them, some will even boost them, but don't try to influence it.
So, just turn off notifications for favourites and boosts. Who's counting those anyway? Not you.
The number of subscriptions doesn't matter either. Just subscribe to what you're interested in and others will do the same.
Just be yourself and have fun!
#mastodon #fediverse #SocialMediaAnxiety
I had to tell this to myself sometimes, so I might as well tell this to others.
This is the Fediverse. Nobody's expecting you to be an "influencer" and the people subscribed to your account aren't your "followers".
There is no obligation to write sensational posts or only talk about things that will be socially accepted by the mainstream.
#mastodon #fediverse #SocialMediaAnxiety