/10 Looks like #ElonMusk has just realized that public service announcements are additive to #Twitter. Could be, requiring public agencies pay for access to the #TwitterAPI might cool said organization’s enthusiasm for the #SocialMediaPlatform
#elonmusk #twitter #twitterapi #SocialMediaPlatform
Crypto Groups on Russian Social Media Hit by Bots Discrediting Bitcoin - Social media groups devoted to cryptocurrencies in Russia have been attacked by bo... - https://news.bitcoin.com/crypto-groups-on-russian-social-media-hit-by-bots-discrediting-bitcoin/ #socialmediaplatform #cryptocurrencies #cryptochannels #cryptocurrency #nikitazuborev #socialnetwork #anti-bitcoin #cryptogroups #socialmedia #paveldurov #messenger #vkontakte #campaign #channels #messages #telegram #attacks #bitcoin
#bitcoin #attacks #telegram #messages #channels #campaign #vkontakte #messenger #paveldurov #socialmedia #cryptogroups #anti #socialnetwork #nikitazuborev #cryptocurrency #cryptochannels #cryptocurrencies #SocialMediaPlatform
Are there any platforms to cross-post between Twitter and Mastodon? #socialmediaplatform #NLPproc
Is there any platforms (like Tweetdeck) for Mastodon to post and share on multiple accounts? #NLPRoc #socialmediaplatform
I am so tired of #rudepeople. I am #verynew to this #Mastodon thing and people expect me to learn the #socialmediaplatform on the first day. Didn't their mommies ever teach them #patience AT ALL when they were growing up? If they're mean to me, I can be just as #callous and #vile to them as they are to me! #PeopleAreSoRude #DontCrossMe #GoBackToElementarySchool #AnEyeForAnEye
#rudepeople #verynew #mastodon #SocialMediaPlatform #patience #callous #Vile #peoplearesorude #dontcrossme #gobacktoelementaryschool #aneyeforaneye
I am so tired of #rudepeople. I am #verynew to this #Mastodon thing and people expect me to learn the #socialmediaplatform on the first day. Didn't their mommies ever teach them #patience AT ALL when they were growing up? If they're mean to me, I can be just as #callous and #vile as they are! #PeopleAreSoRude #DontCrossMe #GoBackToElementarySchool
#gobacktoelementaryschool #dontCrossMe #peoplearesorude #vile #callous #patience #SocialMediaPlatform #Mastodon #verynew #rudepeople
Reimagining science communication in a time of change for social media
"This is not to say that influential social media platforms will go away, but rather that we may, collectively, rethink whether they are the right place to have complex conversations about issues of consequence."
#sciencecommunication #socialmedia #SocialMediaPlatform #complex #conversation
#conversation #complex #SocialMediaPlatform #socialmedia #sciencecommunication
eicker.news #technews »#Musk’s ‘#TwitterFiles’ offer a glimpse of the raw, complicated and thankless task of #moderation: a valuable peek behind the curtain of #moderationatscale, hinting at the labors undertaken by every #socialmediaplatform.« https://techcrunch.com/2022/12/09/musks-twitter-files-offer-a-glimpse-of-the-raw-complicated-and-thankless-task-of-moderation/
#technews #Musk #twitterfiles #moderation #moderationatscale #SocialMediaPlatform
My latest article on #digitalmarketing and #socialmedia strategies having to change on #socialmediaplatform with the #Twitter implosion. https://www.ashleyhartmarketing.com/post/digital-marketing-is-changing-in-2022-don-t-be-lazy
#digitalmarketing #SocialMedia #SocialMediaPlatform #Twitter
Have you heard of the social media app Zion? 👀
Here’s some info on the new decentralised Web5 platform 💻
Going forward we will be gathering the latest Social Media news of the week and putting it all in a newsletter for everyone in friendly bite sized chunks, if this sounds like something you’d be interested in then sign up to our Newsletter on our website 👇
www.samssocialmediaclub.com 💻
#SocialMediaPlatform #new #socialmedia #zion
@DrJackBrown like, it wasn't this beacon of #Freedom and #Liberation. It's a little #TechnoUtopian to take that line of reasoning, wouldn't you say?
We know that a #SocialMediaPlatform can be used as a space for collective or global action against oppressive governments— #ArabSpring comes to mind — but we also know that they can be manipulated, exploited, and fundamentally do not change systems of power on their own.
#arabspring #SocialMediaPlatform #TechnoUtopian #liberation #freedom
I was there 3,000 years ago when a BUZZ button was created to get your friend's attention when they did not respond. #yahoomessenger #yahoo #irc #chat #internet #socialmedia #socialmediaplatform
#yahoomessenger #yahoo #irc #chat #internet #socialmedia #SocialMediaPlatform
As for introduction, I teach in the Classics Department at UNC Chapel Hill.
Research interests deal with performance and reception, mostly. That's led me down some delightfully dark alleys of materialism and cognition.
Teaching interests include ancient athletics, theater-informed pedagogies, and all things Greek.
I like academic #SOCIALMEDIAPLATFORM for its ability to amplify often unheard voices/perspectives and create community.
Looking forward to seeing how this one develops!
To tweet, or to toot - that is the question...
#Mastodon #Twitter #scientists #socialmedia
#Mastodon #Twitter #scientists #SocialMedia #SocialMediaPlatform
Started an alt for @FiXato@mastodon.social here on toot.cat to see if #Glitchsoc is a closer match to what I want out of a #SocialMediaPlatform, feature-wise.
So, it's time for a re-introduction:
I'm FiXato, a stay-at-home father of a two-year-old I often refer to as #BeardGrabber.
While I was born in the Netherlands, I've been living in northern Norway for quite some time now.
In day-to-day life I take care of our son while the missus is at work, and when I have some spare time and headspace, I like to tinker on my various coding projects.
Aside from that, I like to play some mobile Android games such as #PokémonGO, #Ingress and #MarioKartTour.
― #Dutch he/him from the #Netherlands
Emigrated to #Norway (#northernNorway to be more precise)
― I like to do #parenting / #parentsOfMastodon posts about our #2yo.
― Grew up with #MSX (a Philips #NMS8250 #MSX2 #homecomputer to be precise).
Related interest in #retroGaming, #retroComputer , and the #demoscene. Looking forward to attending #demoparties again.
― #Development experience primarily with #Ruby, #Python and #Bash, with a general #dev interest in #WebDevelopment, #scripting, #coding
― #photography mostly focused on #landscapePhotography using a #MiA1 and #Canon1000D
― also like to post about #language / #linguistics, especially about #etymology
― #FiXatoDrinks is where I tend to post about the #beers and other beverages I drink.
↳ #metal
↳ #chiptune
↳ #FiXatoListens
Fan of:
↳ #TerryPratchett's #DiscWorld
↳ #StephenKing's #DarkTower
↳ #StarTrek
↳ #DoctorWho
#glitchsoc #SocialMediaPlatform #beardgrabber #pokémongo #ingress #mariokarttour #dutch #netherlands #norway #northernNorway #parenting #parentsofmastodon #2yo #msx #nms8250 #msx2 #homecomputer #retrogaming #retrocomputer #demoscene #demoparties #development #ruby #python #bash #dev #webdevelopment #scripting #coding #photography #landscapephotography #mia1 #canon1000d #language #linguistics #etymology #fixatodrinks #beers #music #metal #chiptune #FiXatoListens #terrypratchett #discworld #stephenking #darktower #startrek #doctorwho #introductions #whoami #introduction #fixato