"I trust the to protect me from ."

You know that;
- still goes through ?,
- Australia's federal police (afp.gov.au) goes through ?,
- according to govt, "" by openly our media?,
- Social services (humanservices.gov.au) goes through ?
- Govt multiplied the by approx six times during , mostly benefitting the most wealthy?


#australian #government #scams #Medibank #amazon #cloudflare #facebookrefriendedaustralia #bribing #akamai #moneySupply #covid #auspol #afp #SocialServices

Last updated 2 years ago

"I trust the government to protect me from ."

You know that;
- Medibank still goes through Amazon?,
- Australia's police (AFP.gov.au) goes through ?,
- accordingly to a government leader, in 2021, ""?,
- Social services (humanservices.gov.au) goes through ?
- Govt multiplied the by approx six times during , mostly benefitting the most wealthy?


#australian #scams #federal #cloudflare #facebookrefriendedaustralia #akamai #moneySupply #covid #auspol #afp #SocialServices

Last updated 2 years ago

Erin Simonitch · @ErinSimonitch
0 followers · 1 posts · Server sfba.social
Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
595 followers · 3771 posts · Server kolektiva.social

The conservative fix for people who don't need to be in an ER is to cripple the ER so nobody who isn't critical will go, only the sickest of the sick will sit for 8 hours before seeing a doctor. Since the pandemic, the system, which they already broke, is crumbling - and because of their intentional neglect to punish people who maybe didn't need to go, it started broken.

#NeverVoteConservative #canadianpolitics #SocialServices

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
595 followers · 3771 posts · Server kolektiva.social

The conservative fix for a small number of scammers taking advantage of systems to help people in need is to cripple those systems so nobody would be able to survive on them - not scammers, not people who legitimately need them. Hurting lots of people to punish a few? Petty shit.

#NeverVoteConservative #canadianpolitics #SocialServices

Last updated 2 years ago

A quote from Australia:

> An Authorised Review Officer will generally attempt to contact you and complete their review of your appeal within 49 days.

That's ! It reportedly took God to kill everyone not in . Do you think the only thing that stopped them from making it '50 days' is that fifty sounds ludicrously insane? "Just wait 50 days" said the .

Time to start a proper in — two years ago!

#SocialServices #49Days #40Days #noahsark #bureaucrat #ubi #australia

Last updated 3 years ago

Dear sweet Jesus,

Australia's now all go through . That that rose alongside its partnership with .

Not only that, its locking select individuals out from accessing said govt services. Like the and .

Was nice knowing you, .

#govtServices #akamai #USCorporation #microsoft #TaxOffice #SocialServices #australia #HumanServices #australiaJustDied #clientStateOfUSA #deleteAkamai #reverseproxy #MITMAttack

Last updated 3 years ago