This morning I received a letter from solicitors Rostrum Anatis and Tetrissitare.
It reads:
“Dear sir,
We note with surprise and dismay your highly prejudicial and defamatory depiction of our clients, the Plumed Whistling Duck in your post
Traducing our clients in this manner is highly damaging to their reputation, and we insist that you immediately publish the following more accurate depictions of their likeness and behaviour.
Ideally, you should delete the offending post, however our clients will be satisfied should you balance the scales by publishing these.
Failing that, we’ll have no alternative than to have you hauled up before the beak.
Without prejudice,
A. Ornithopus”
They attached the following photos, which I reproduce herewith…
#photography #humour #birds #BirdsOfMastodon #wildlife #action #flock #flying #ducks #SocialDistancing #kite #Ngurrungurrujba
#photography #humour #birds #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #action #flock #flying #ducks #Socialdistancing #kite #ngurrungurrujba
Are lift limits still a thing or does nobody care anymore? #CovidIsNotOver #elevators #Socialdistancing
#CovidIsNotOver #elevators #Socialdistancing
The good thing about this crisis is, #socialDistancing means I will be far more comfortable on long international flights ...
#tfw the studio is closed, but you need to get in the air #aerialrope #aerialist #socialdistancing #graffiti #trainbridge
#trainbridge #graffiti #Socialdistancing #aerialist #aerialrope #tfw
#JustHadAThought In old money I'm 6 feet 2 inches tall (new money 1.88m, more or less), so with the sun out, and provided I'm walking in the right direction I have a near perfect measure for #SocialDistancing available to check on at all times, namely my shadow (;*
#JustHadAThought #Socialdistancing
Klartext: Ich bin Intensivmedizinerin. Die Intensivstation ist regelmäßig voll ohne #corona. Es wird auch mit Corona Herzinfarkte und Autounfälle geben. Wir wissen dann nur nicht, wen wir wann wo wie behandeln.Bleibt daheim #SocialDistancing. Helft uns, dass wir helfen können.
Just popped out to visit Madison up at 'er indoors' sisters, and realised as I was walking that I was paying more attention to how much personal space I have, #SocialDistancing in action, apparently. Not that there were all that many people about, but those that I passed were given a wider birth that I'd normally bother with. If you see what I mean (:*
Der Begriff #SocialDistancing führt in die Irre. Gemeint ist eigentlich spatial / physical / bodily distancing. Es geht nicht darum Sozialkontakte zu unterbinden, sondern um Körper-Abstände. Wir haben Telefon & Internet. Beziehungen sind nicht mehr von räumlicher Nähe abhängig.
Will be doing some updates to our events calendar (including, when I can get home from work. Stego and I were already holding off on FurBQ updates, so you may get a different update to our site blog.
#Socialdistancing #thisisnotcoronacon