To more successfully #BringBackMasks, let's expend more effort understanding & addressing the individual/collective behavioral factors & functional aspects (beyond limiting viral transmission) impacting their use. 4/
#masks #n95 #covidisairborne #publichealth #behavior #collectivism #flying #xbb15 #travel #pandemic #culture #symbolism #societyandculture #communication
#communication #Societyandculture #symbolism #Culture #Pandemic #Travel #xbb15 #flying #collectivism #behavior #publichealth #COVIDisAirborne #N95 #masks #BringBackMasks
The Disregard of Mask Wearing (w/ apologies to Bonham & their 1989 album, The Disregard of Time Keeping)
Reducing the collective disregard of mask wearing likely requires that we better understand & address the social/cultural meanings associated w/ mask wearing as well as the impact of mask wearing on communication, verbal & non-verbal.
#masks #n95 #culture #symbolism #societyandculture #covidisairborne #publichealth #behavior #communication #collectivism
#collectivism #communication #behavior #publichealth #COVIDisAirborne #Societyandculture #symbolism #Culture #N95 #masks