The only thing I want to see from the #Qatar #WorldCup is this. The armband is to promote inclusion and display solidarity with people of different #genders and sexual #identities.
#FIFA stated anyone wearing the #armband would get carded, to which I would respond #FuckFIFA.
Some people believe #sports should stay out of #sociopolitical spheres, and you have the right to hold that #opinion; I, however, believe anything that involves humans gathering is by default a socio-political sphere and is subject to forms of protest where relevant and necessary.
So unless the armbands are spitting fire at people (which admittedly would also be cool): suck it up.
#1love #onelove #opinion #Sociopolitical #sports #fuckfifa #armband #fifa #Identities #genders #worldcup #qatar
Much of the time, I feel like the entire world is just make-believe. The entire concept of society, of work culture, of the essential function of any of our labors is all just a big game of pretend, but nobody ever tells you that. You're meant to buy into a #sociopolitical #kayfabe without knowing it's there.
@rbreich Mr. Reich, although I follow you intentionally, if I boost this, others who don't wish to see #political content would end up seeing it. Would you be kind enough to add a #CW (#ContentWarning) to #sociopolitical posts with "#uspol" or something similar? I know the bulk of #fediverse users will appreciate it.
PS - Unlike Twitter, this place has the "delete & redraft" option, which is the next best thing to an edit button, in the event you wish to add a CW to this. Thx!
#political #cw #contentwarning #Sociopolitical #uspol #fediverse
#Sociopolitical #concepts #explained by #Anthropomorphized #insects
bees social democrats
ants socialists
wasps obviously fascists
locusts capitalists or neoliberals
#fun #politics #insects #Anthropomorphized #explained #concepts #Sociopolitical