#EarthlingEd does the Socratic debate method pretty well, here his opponent is not so much on the attack but a bit overwhelmed, although does seem to answer honestly and not resorting to facetiousness which many people do. https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=BeWtloVjxeU
#vegan #Debate #Socratic
#earthlinged #vegan #debate #Socratic
@pootriarch @pootriarch Absolutely. Although I recognize the power of online learning, it is simply not the same. Where I shine as a teacher is in guiding dialogue, provoking conversation (#Socratic, but not in the aggressive law-school way) is simply not possible through Zoom. Prior to the Animal Ethics class, I conducted an in-person dialogue about #Critical #GenderTheory , just introducing students to the basics, and the students were engaged, talking over me, sharing, probing… #pedagogy
#Socratic #critical #gendertheory #pedagogy