Did we really have this many coincidences? Ok, so maybe a few food processing plants catch on fire, maybe a plane crashes into one, maybe there's an industrial accident or two, how many are there going to be before we start saying what's going on here? It's almost like this is coordinated, so much of our infrastructure is under attack it just looks bad. Then look at what we've done to our military, we've forced them to take #COVID jabs, we've poisoned them, we have healthy young people dying right and left, #diedsuddenly anybody, anybody? I'd love to know the died suddenly numbers for the military, of course you'll never find that, I guarantee you that's buried. What about the long term health issues, are these guys able to fight?
#Truth #DeathJab #PatriotAct #SoftTargets #Ohio #TheTomRenzShow #RenzRants
#RenzRants #TheTomRenzShow #ohio #SoftTargets #patriotact #deathjab #truth #DiedSuddenly #COVID