RT @CarstenWMueller
#TenureTrack position - Biogeochemical processes determining carbon sequestration in soils in the context of the agroecological transition and climate change @INRAE_France #SoilOrganicMatter #CarbonSequestration #Agroecology #Biogeochemistry https://jobs.inrae.fr/en/tenure-track/tenure-track-junior-professor-chairs/cpj23-agroeco-2
#tenuretrack #SoilOrganicMatter #carbonsequestration #agroecology #biogeochemistry
RT @ykuzyakov
NEW #REVIEW in @GlobalChangeBio
Microbial necromass under #GlobalChange & #SoilOrganicMatter
Team: Junxi Hu et al. @kmbuckeridge Hans Cornelissen
#soil #carbonsequestration #GlobalWarming #aminosugars #MicrobialNecromass #MetaAnalysis
#review #globalchange #SoilOrganicMatter #soil #carbonsequestration #globalwarming #aminosugars #microbialnecromass #metaanalysis
RT @ykuzyakov
🏆 Our next paper got Highly Cited (top 1%) 🏆
Temperature🌡️ sensitivity of SOM decomposition is linked with microbial K-strategists
#SoilOrganicMatter #sequestration #soil #forest
#GlobalWarming #soilbacteria #soilfungi
#SoilOrganicMatter #sequestration #soil #forest #globalwarming #soilbacteria #soilfungi
RT @ykuzyakov
🏆Happy to share our next Highly Cited Paper 🏆
Microbial residues in soil organic carbon by #grassland restoration
in @SoilBiolBiochem
#SoilOrganicMatter #soil #Roots #aminosugars #MicrobialNecromass #carbon
#soilbacteria #soilfungi
#grassland #SoilOrganicMatter #soil #roots #aminosugars #microbialnecromass #carbon #soilbacteria #soilfungi
RT @ykuzyakov
NEW Review & MetaAnalysis ✅
Residence time of #carbon in #paddy soils
in Journal of Cleaner Production
50-day Free:
#SoilOrganicMatter #carbonsequestration #CO2 #CH4 #GlobalWarming #Tropics #Rice #paddysoil #Rice
#carbon #paddy #SoilOrganicMatter #carbonsequestration #co2 #ch4 #globalwarming #tropics #rice #paddysoil
RT @ykuzyakov
NEW in Nature Communications @NatureComms
Elevated CO2 and warming define microbial growth in soil
#SoilOrganicMatter #soil #Roots #carbonsequestration #GlobalWarming #microbialbiomass #TEMPERATURE
#SoilOrganicMatter #soil #roots #carbonsequestration #globalwarming #microbialbiomass #temperature
RT @ykuzyakov
Happy to share:
Our Highly Cited 🏆 and Hot 🌶️Paper:
How biochar works, and when it doesn't: A review of mechanisms
was one of the top 10 most downloaded articles published in @GCB_Bioenergy
#biochar #sequestration #soil #soilorganicmatter #SoilHealth #GHG
#biochar #sequestration #soil #SoilOrganicMatter #soilhealth #ghg
RT @ykuzyakov
Very proud -> Our Highly Cited 🏆 Review (2016):
Biochar stability in soil: meta-analysis of decomposition and priming effects
is still the top 10 most downloaded in @GCB_Bioenergy
#Biochar #PrimingEffects #sequestration #soil #soilorganicmatter
#biochar #primingeffects #sequestration #soil #SoilOrganicMatter
RT @ykuzyakov
Happy to share!
🏆Our Concept paper:
From energy to (soil organic) matter
in @GlobalChangeBio
is now Highly Cited Paper! 🏆 (1% best citations)
The paper links #EnergyStorage with #soilcarbon and #soilorganicmatter and #microorganisms #enzymes
#energystorage #soilcarbon #SoilOrganicMatter #microorganisms #enzymes
RT @ykuzyakov
New in Journal of Soils and Sediments
Aggregate stability under long‑term fertilization in upland and paddy soils
#Sequestration #soilcarbon #soilorganicmatter #fertilization #aggregates
#sequestration #soilcarbon #SoilOrganicMatter #fertilization #aggregates
RT @CarstenWMueller
PostDoc in my group in #Copenhagen – are you up to link #SoilStructure in the #Rhizosphere with the fate of #SoilOrganicMatter? We are looking for you to work with us from lab to field scale @science_ku @novonordiskfond #CarbonStorage #Imaging #MicroCT https://tinyurl.com/2tcx8kkh
#copenhagen #SoilStructure #Rhizosphere #SoilOrganicMatter #CarbonStorage #imaging #MicroCT