Distribution and #predators of the #invasive #spider #mite #Tetranychus #evansi (#Acari: #Tetranychidae) in the #Syrian coastal region, with first record of predation by the native #Scolothrips #longicornis (#Thysanoptera: #Thripidae) https://doi.org/10.24349/0k8s-gas6 #IMBEpapers #TomatoRedSpiderMite #NaturalEnemies #BiologicalControl #PredatoryInsects #Solanaceae
#predators #invasive #spider #Mite #tetranychus #evansi #Acari #tetranychidae #Syrian #scolothrips #longicornis #thysanoptera #thripidae #imbepapers #tomatoredspidermite #naturalenemies #biologicalcontrol #predatoryinsects #Solanaceae
Our paper, with Dr Wei and @gustavo_silva about genomics of colonization stressful habitats around the Atacama in a wild tomato species is out in @NewPhytologist. Interestingly, our results support that colonization to new stressful habitats is mediated by the emergence of adaptive variation in numerous core elements of gene networks related, for example, to flowering time. https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/nph.18634.
#adaptation #climatechange #popgen #genetics #WGS #evolution #wildtomato #Solanaceae #openaccess
#adaptation #climatechange #PopGen #genetics #WGS #Evolution #wildtomato #Solanaceae #openaccess
A dried tomatillo from my garden a few years ago. I've never found confirmation in the literature, but these fruit get blown around quite easily and thus seem capable of long-distance seed dispersal. But I'm not sure whether wild varieties trap their seeds in the same way. It could be the case that artificial selection by breeders has favored lineages that make seed collection easy, and these spherical seed packets certainly do that. #botany #gardening #Solanaceae #Physalis #seeds #fruit #evolution #plants
#botany #gardening #Solanaceae #physalis #seeds #fruit #evolution #plants
I'm an evolutionary biologist studying floral traits in the plant families #Plantaginaceae and #Solanaceae. I've done a lot of hopping between sub-fields. My background is in #Biochemistry and #ProteinEvolution. PhD work on the evolution of binding specificity following #GeneDuplication. Postdoctoral work on #FlowerColor #Phylogenomics #MetabolicPathway evolution and #AdaptiveIntrogression. Broader goal is understanding #EvolutionaryProcesses and outcomes across #ScalesOfBiologicalOrganization.
#plantaginaceae #Solanaceae #biochemistry #proteinevolution #geneduplication #FlowerColor #Phylogenomics #metabolicpathway #adaptiveintrogression #evolutionaryprocesses #scalesofbiologicalorganization