#Electricity should always be free, but here we are fighting over #capitalism and #subscription #services for #bullshit #economics.
#australia #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #classwar #solar #SolarPanels #ecology #petition #petitions
#electricity #capitalism #subscription #services #bullshit #economics #australia #AusGov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #classwar #Solar #SolarPanels #ecology #petition #Petitions
by #AlisonFTakemura in #CanaryMedia
"In May, senators Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) and Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) introduced the Pollinator Power Act. Its passage would direct the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to prioritize solar projects funded by the Rural Energy for America Program that create habitat for pollinators underneath the panels. Pollinators such as bees, butterflies and beetles are responsible for pollinating three-quarters of flowering plants and 35 percent of food crops, but populations are in striking decline, in major part because of habitat loss."
#PollinatorPowerAct #AgrivoltaicsResearchAndDemonstrationAct #agrivoltaics #pollinators #farmers #ecosystems #SolarPanels #photovoltaics #agriculture #JeffMerkley #CoryBooker #MartinHeinrich
#alisonftakemura #canarymedia #pollinatorpoweract #agrivoltaicsresearchanddemonstrationact #Agrivoltaics #pollinators #farmers #ecosystems #SolarPanels #photovoltaics #agriculture #jeffmerkley #corybooker #martinheinrich
Cool, jetzt bin ich beim #Camping autark, was Strom angeht… 🏕️☀️
#Solarenergie #SolarPanels #Solarstrom #ecoflowriver #ecoflow
#camping #Solarenergie #SolarPanels #Solarstrom #ecoflowriver #Ecoflow
President #Carter was ahead of his time, the rare #Christian that lived the values of #Jesus, addressed #ClimateChange, brought some peace to the #MiddleEast, proposed a healthcare program to pay for expenses over $2500 a year (in 1979!) and lowered himself into a nuclear reactor, potentially saving thousands of lives!
And yes, he put #SolarPanels on the White House, which #Reagan had removed when he was elected! Talk about stupid!
#carter #christian #jesus #climatechange #middleeast #SolarPanels #reagan
#aurinkopaneeli pahin vihollinen on #lämpö
#paneeli #jäähdytys parantaa niiden elinikää jopa 10v. verran, tuottaa enemmän sähköä kuin niiden jäähdytys.
#Solarpanels #cooling #morepower
Ovatko #Suomi #Finland olevat #yritykset ajan tasalla tämän suhteen?
#aurinkopaneeli #lampo #paneeli #jaahdytys #SolarPanels #cooling #morepower #suomi #finland #yritykset
RT @Prepared4Change@twitter.com
How much would it cost to install #solarpanels in your area? Use this free tool to find out:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Prepared4Change/status/1597606317761232896
Alle, die sich so vehement für #Kernenergie aussprechen, sollten sich u.a. dazu verpflichten, im Falle eines Falles beim Bau des Sarkophags zu helfen.
Im Gegensatz verpflichten sich die anderen, kaputte #solarpanels auszustauschen oder einem Windrad beim Abbrennen zuzusehen.
After Going Solar, I Felt the Bliss of Sudden Abundance
#renewableenergy #solarpanels #environment #climate #Energy #Ideas
#renewableenergy #SolarPanels #environment #climate #energy #ideas
One year later, The New York Times confirmed my reporting & found solar panels & batteries used by Europeans were being dumped on poor nations.
The bottom line is that it's much cheaper to buy raw materials to make new solar panels than to recycle old ones.