Playing around with all this 12/24V solar stuff got me thinking about proper connectors again. I did write down some notes on all that quite a while back ( and but I'm wondering if anyone playing with stuff like this has some more input on good connectors.
#diy #solar #Solargenerator #powerstation
Finally built a small power station or solar generator with some recycled 18650 battery cells. I didn’t find all the parts I needed so it’s not at its full battery capacity, and needs some more fuses, switches etc, but it works surprisingly well 🤩
One thing I like about it is that it uses a step-up solar charge controller so I can use smaller panels to charge it up instead of needing some with 30+V output voltage
#dit #solar #solargenerator #18650 #solarpunk #powerstation #pv
#dit #solar #Solargenerator #solarpunk #powerstation #pv
The electric skillet is being powered by the solar battery
@TechyDog 1/2
I’ve been build up my hobby knowledge over years. depending on your comfort level with DC power #diy or #Solargenerator might be easier. If #diy is done correctly it is safe, but i’ve had a couple close calls that might have leveled my house; so caution.
I ended just putting the panels in my driveway since my roof is facing the wrong direction, I don’t want wholes in my roof, and i don’t want to lease my roof to someone else (and buy back the power)
Got the ‘solar generator’ charged to 💯 last night; via the grid.
This morning decided to see how it’d fair with just the furnace.
So far at heavy load 600w are being pulled. I should do this for about 3.5 hours if things are constant and I don’t augment the box.
the Bluetti ac200max arrived.
So far as predicted it is both better and worse than expected.
It can power my micro wave, but at 27v it only pull ~220w from my #18650cell battery.
at the moment i can only charge it around 650w max
still learning about it
Amazon - Save 25% on the Anker 535 Solar Generator, Powerhouse 512Wh with 1 * 100W Solar Panel, Power Station with LiFePO4. Was $899.99
$674.99 - #ad
#Anker #SOLAR #Solargenerator #Power #Emergency #backup #solarpower #generator
#ad #anker #solar #Solargenerator #power #emergency #backup #solarpower #generator
"#038 - #Hauseinspeisung mit dem #Solargenerator (#PowerStation) | So kannst du das Maximum rausholen" ...
#Hauseinspeisung #Solargenerator #powerstation
"#038 - #Hauseinspeisung mit dem #Solargenerator (#PowerStation) | So kannst du das Maximum rausholen" ...
#Hauseinspeisung #Solargenerator #powerstation
BLUETTI Solargenerator in der 537Wh Powerstation + 200W Solarpanel-Kombi, oder doch das Jackery Explorer 1000 + 2 SolarSaga 100 Solarpanels. Hmm. 🤔 #powerstation #solarpanels #solargenerator #autarkestromversorgung
#autarkestromversorgung #Solargenerator #solarpanels #powerstation