@downey That is the problem I have with folks wanting #SolidProject access control rules to be able to specify the user agent. I agree there will be use cases for it, but some people feel it important enough to put it in even before deep needs are felt.
I also have a SOLID profile if anyone else wants to talk about the solid project or connect on it!! I don't know anyone else on it but I'd like to talk about the platform. x)
The director of the platform is Tim Berners-Lee!
@deadsuperhero @strypey It's still early days for #SolidProject . The document-centric view is deliberate, but there's active exploration of what a graph-centric view could also look like.
In any case the basic building block is #LinkedData, and there are already implementations that use databases as the backend.
Yesterday afternoon I presented the IETF's upcoming HTTPSig protocol to the W3C Solid Community Group. I illustrated it by running my #scala crawler on #BigData published as Linked Data Event Streams (#LDES) protected with #SolidProject access control rules.
This is about as efficient as one can get, though Tim Berners-Lee did think of an extra optimisation, which I mention in the video recording below.
#SolidProject #LDES #bigdata #scala
My #SolidProject client and server are now ready for efficient access control demos on #BigData using the HTTP WG's 's "Signing HTTP Messages".
I can demo with a server publishing N resources (in this case, #LinkedData Event Stream (#LDES) data.
The client is implemented in #Scala using #http4s, and the server uses #Akka.
The libraries can be compiled to JS for use on #nodeJS frameworks too. Native is not far off, either.
The client need make no more than N+2 requests:
1. Request 1 on a resource R returning a "401 Unauthorised"
2. a max of 2 requests to get the access control rules
3. from there on, N signed requests using #HttpSignatures (when those all fall in the same container space)
Solid clients are essentially like Search Engine crawlers fetching data on the web, so they need to jump around from website to website. Having approx 2 requests extra per website for auth is very interesting in that scenario.
Note: those 2 requests can be cached, so those may be only needed once over a long period of time. The connection efficiency is possible by combining the following pieces:
• using the IETF's HTTPSig (a version from the beginning of the year)
• using default rules (part of the spec)
• caching of ACLs on the client
• the use of a "defaultAccessContainer" link header to reduce the number of requests.
I am trying to work out who may be interested in such a technical demo, what a good time for it may be, ...
so please just comment here or send me a mail at henry.story@bblfish.net
#httpsignatures #SolidProject #nodejs #LDES #linkeddata #akka #http4s #scala #bigdata
#solidproject and #dpv being mentioned as important ingredients for the development of personal data spaces #dataspacessymposium
#SolidProject #dpv #dataspacessymposium
This is a very interesting idea to combine #SolidProject with #activitypub https://activitypods.org/
It would make a lot of sense to add more ActivityPub-like functionality in the core Solid specs. Right now it is unfortunate you must use a storage provider that speaks both protocols.
I’m tracking a few other projects that seem philosophically well aligned with #SmallWeb.
The first group are focused on personal data management:
#SolidProject https://solidproject.org
@datasette https://datasette.io/
Dolt https://dolthub.com/blog/2022-05-23-web3-data/
Another group is self-hosting operating systems. #Unraid, #truenas, #CasaOS, etc.
Maybe I should take the time to blog a roundup of these… and perhaps kick the tires for some how-to posts
#SmallWeb #SolidProject #UnRaid #truenas #casaos
You might say that in terms of "infection" there isn't much of that, except using a term here and there from a well-known ontology. This gives *some* semantic meaning, but little if any advantage of Linked Data use.
Peertube has some schema.org extension properties.
Other than that schema.org is widely used by Google Knowledge Graph. #SolidProject also recommends looking for terms to reuse. See @noeldemartin presenting a recipe manager at FOSDEM
I don't have a real overview, but tried to record some fedi accounts on #SocialHub: https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/list-of-eu-based-governmental-institutions-on-the-fediverse-wiki/2279
Everyone can edit and expand that list. Since the Elon influx there's likely a lot to add.
Belgian government are interested in #SolidProject but I don't know to what extent.
Btw, this is also a question you might ask on the #Solid #SolidProject community forum..
It is a bit of the de-facto #LinkedData forum, with TBL driving things (though the community itself doesn't get too much attention.. they are more active in Gitter channels and many formal boards on GH).
#solid #SolidProject #linkeddata
It’s a pleasure to welcome @viivilahteenoja at our office in De Krook Gent for an exchange between #mydata and #SolidProject on fostering interoperability in personal data spaces
Jeg begikk en liten bloggpost om Solid, et prosjekt som Tim Berners-Lee har jobbet med de siste årene. https://jantzen.no/2023/01/02/er-protokollen-solid-en-del-av-internettets-fremtid/ #solidproject
How do you keep history for e.g., your live location using the current #Solid protocol? We tried to find out by applying the concepts behind Linked Data Event Streams #LDES in #LDP.
While technically it is possible to store history in a #SolidProject pod (see NPM lib), in this paper we formulate our position that we should look at native support of event sourcing in the core Solid spec
* NPM library with too many work-arounds: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@treecg/versionawareldesinldp
* Position paper: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/woutslabbinck/papers/main/2022/Linked_Data_Event_Streams_in_Solid_containers.pdf
#solid #LDES #ldp #SolidProject
When building new APIs, we add “implicit semantics” that make devs having to write specific code for it. Technically that shouldn’t be necessary.
Within #SolidProject, these implicit semantics are well illustrated by the question: “where do you write what and how”?
Our paper on Solid as a hybrid personal #knowledgegraph argues we should not use a document-centric approach for organizing semantics in personal #knowledgegraphs
#SolidProject #knowledgegraph #knowledgegraphs
So, this concludes my 5 day #knowledgegraphs posts:
I see future in:
1. RDF+Surfaces for describing data policies
2. Materializable hypermedia APIs
3. The ideas behind #SolidProject to scale up your personal knowledge graph and cater for cross-app interoperability
4. RML for KG generation
5. Linked Data Event Streams for publishing
#knowledgegraphs #SolidProject
Reading about Solid Project. Thoughts?
Alright Mastodon friends, now we’re playing around with decentralised solutions, remember Solid Project by none other than Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee?
It seems like it’s still brewing at MIT.
I’d love to get your thoughts on this 🤓
#solidproject #decentralisation
#SolidProject #decentralisation
Oooh, look who has a shiny new w3c account so I can better participate in specification work 👀
#WebStandards #w3c #SolidProject
@saki Indeed, my bad! What I intended to say was that #SolidProject could make data portability even easier as you wouldn't have to do anything special anymore. Should have checked that statement before tooting it.