Eine Nachricht der Kraft an die Underdogs
"Widerstand ist ein Weg, der mit oder ohne Hoffnung auf Sieg funktioniert. Widerstand bezieht sich auf den Erhalt einer Position, dem Aufrechterhalten einer Überzeugung und der Rückweisung der Aufgabe der eigenen Integrität. Widerstand ist ein gefährliches Unterfangen; emotional, psychologisch und, in vielen Fällen, physisch.
Die anarchistische Position ist bei weitem die kontroverseste aller politischen Kämpfe. Wir können uns weder an Grenzen, noch an sogenannte Offizielle auf der Suche nach Schutz wenden. Wir funktionieren ohne den Glauben an das Gefüge aus sogenannten „Rechten“, die von der Gesellschaft so stolz zur Schau gestellt werden. "
#riot #Anarchismus #Revolution #SolidarityMeansAttack #Antireport
#riot #anarchismus #Revolution #SolidarityMeansAttack #antireport
Eine Nachricht der Kraft an die Underdogs
"Widerstand ist ein Weg, der mit oder ohne Hoffnung auf Sieg funktioniert. Widerstand bezieht sich auf den Erhalt einer Position, dem Aufrechterhalten einer Überzeugung und der Rückweisung der Aufgabe der eigenen Integrität. Widerstand ist ein gefährliches Unterfangen; emotional, psychologisch und, in vielen Fällen, physisch.
Die anarchistische Position ist bei weitem die kontroverseste aller politischen Kämpfe. Wir können uns weder an Grenzen, noch an sogenannte Offizielle auf der Suche nach Schutz wenden. Wir funktionieren ohne den Glauben an das Gefüge aus sogenannten „Rechten“, die von der Gesellschaft so stolz zur Schau gestellt werden. "
#riot #Resistance #Anarchism #Revolution #SolidarityMeansAttack #Antireport
#riot #resistance #anarchism #Revolution #SolidarityMeansAttack #antireport
Gegen den Kampf der Feiglinge
-eine Nachricht der Kraft an die Underdogs-
"Widerstand ist ein Weg, der mit oder ohne Hoffnung auf Sieg funktioniert. Widerstand bezieht sich auf den Erhalt einer Position, dem Aufrechterhalten einer Überzeugung und der Rückweisung der Aufgabe der eigenen Integrität. Widerstand ist ein gefährliches Unterfangen; emotional, psychologisch und, in vielen Fällen, physisch.
Die anarchistische Position ist bei weitem die kontroverseste aller politischen Kämpfe. Wir können uns weder an Grenzen, noch an sogenannte Offizielle auf der Suche nach Schutz wenden. Wir funktionieren ohne den Glauben an das Gefüge aus sogenannten „Rechten“, die von der Gesellschaft so stolz zur Schau gestellt werden. "
#riot #Resistance #Anarchism #Revolution #SolidarityMeansAttack #Antireport
#riot #resistance #anarchism #Revolution #SolidarityMeansAttack #antireport
Against the Struggle of the Coward:
A Note of Strength for the Underdogs
"The following editorial looks at the risks people involved in contemporary movements face and what that says about them.
Struggle is a trajectory that functions with or without hope of victory. Struggle pertains to the maintaining of a position, the preservation of a conviction, and the refusal to forfeit integrity. Struggle is a risky endeavor; emotionally, psychologically, and in many cases physically."
from @igd_news
Deutsche Übersetzung
#riot #Resistance #Anarchism #Revolution #SolidarityMeansAttack #Antireport
#riot #resistance #anarchism #Revolution #SolidarityMeansAttack #antireport
„Erhobenen Hauptes, Flammenden Herzens“
Aktualisierte Neuauflage
"Letzten September erschien eine Broschüre in Solidarität mit dem Anarchisten Boris, der viele Texte rund um seinen Fall sowie Texte zum Kampf gegen Digitalisierung und technologische Herrschaft, an dem auch Boris Teil hat und der ihn in die Fänge der Repression brachte, versammelt. Nun gibt es eine aktualisierte Neuauflage, da kürzlich ein erneuter Aufruf zu seiner Unterstützung verbreitet wurde, zum am Bildschirm Lesen oder selbst Ausdrucken."
Broschüre zum am Bildschirm lesen
Zum Ausdrucken
#directaction #sabotage #france #antireport #Digitalisierung #FreeThemAll #abolishprisons #Besancon
#SolidarityMeansAttack #DirectAction #sabotage #france #antireport #digitalisierung #freethemall #abolishprisons #besancon
„Erhobenen Hauptes, Flammenden Herzens“
Aktualisierte Neuauflage
"Letzten September erschien eine Broschüre in Solidarität mit dem Anarchisten Boris, der viele Texte rund um seinen Fall sowie Texte zum Kampf gegen Digitalisierung und technologische Herrschaft, an dem auch Boris Teil hat und der ihn in die Fänge der Repression brachte, versammelt. Nun gibt es eine aktualisierte Neuauflage, da kürzlich ein erneuter Aufruf zu seiner Unterstützung verbreitet wurde, zum am Bildschirm Lesen oder selbst Ausdrucken."
Zum am Bildschirm lesen
Zum Ausdrucken
#directaction #sabotage #france #antireport #Digitalisierung #FreeThemAll #abolishprisons #Besancon
#SolidarityMeansAttack #DirectAction #sabotage #france #antireport #digitalisierung #freethemall #abolishprisons #besancon
#Besançon (Doubs) #France : News from #Anarchist comrade Boris
A Good Wheelchair for Boris!
"Unfortunately, while waiting for the date of the appeal, the comrade was seriously injured in August in a fire in the cell where he was, and the investigation on the origin and readiness of the screws to let him suffocate is still ongoing. It is thus with the medical power that Boris has been confronted for more than a year and a half."
#SolidarityMeansAttack #technology #abolishprisons #sabotage #directaction #antireport
#besancon #france #anarchist #SolidarityMeansAttack #technology #abolishprisons #sabotage #DirectAction #antireport
Unfortunately, while waiting for the date of the appeal, the comrade was seriously injured in August in a fire in the cell where he was, and the investigation on the origin and readiness of the screws to let him suffocate is still ongoing. It is thus with the medical power that Boris has been confronted for more than a year and a half."
#SolidarityMeansAttack #technology #abolishprisons
Identified by a trace of DNA found on site, the comrade was be incarcerated in the prison of Nancy and sentenced in April 2021 to four years in prison, two of which with no remission. In a public letter written from inside, he defended his act by his desire to oppose through direct action the increasing digitalization of our lives, with all the control, the environmental and social devastation that it implies. Unfortunately, while waiting for the date of the appeal, the comrade was seriously injured in August in a fire in the cell where he was, and the investigation on the origin and readiness of the screws to let him suffocate is still ongoing. It is thus with the medical power that Boris has been confronted for more than a year and a half."
#SolidarityMeansAttack #technology #abolishprisons
10.03.23 19 Uhr
@Rigaer94 / #Berlin
"Open Assembly - updates and orga
Since October 2022 Alfredo Cospito is in Hunger Strike to struggle against the high isolation regime. Let's organise together to support him! Bring ideas, energy and your rage!"
#AlfredoCospito #41bis #italy #SolidarityMeansAttack #AlfredoLibero
#no41bis #Berlin #alfredocospito #41bis #italy #SolidarityMeansAttack #alfredolibero
10.03.23 19 Uhr
@Rigaer94 / #Berlin
"Open Assembly - updates and orga
Since October 2022 Alfredo Cospito is in Hunger Strike to struggle against the high isolation regime. Let's organise together to support him! Bring ideas, energy and your rage!"
#Berlin #no41bis #alfredocospito #41bis #italy #SolidarityMeansAttack
RUMOER #6 english/nederlands
"We’re here again after this hot winter! Still a time of war, climate-struggle/destructivity/pessimism/idealism, repression, technology and an online mirror-world, farmers, arsonists and uprisings trough out the world!"
#sabotage #SolidarityMeansAttack #anarchism
More than 100 days after the start of Alfredo Cospito’s hunger strike we extend the call to all like-minded individuals, groups, organizations and collectives to convene within their territories a mobilization outside the Italian embassies to put pressure on the Italian state and Alfredo’s executioners.
The comrade is dying because the state wants him to die. This is not just a ‘humanitarian’ problem, the comrade’s struggle is a call for international revolutionary action. Indifference and passivity will never be our allies; solidarity will be."
#alfredocospito #41bis #SolidarityMeansAttack #DirectAction #antireport
#Milan, Italy: Claim for the incendiary attack against some cars of the local police in solidarity with #AlfredoCospito
"In the night between 29th and 30th January some cars belonging to the local police of the municipality of Milan were burnt."
#SolidarityMeansAttack #41bis #FreeThemAll #antireport #directaction
#milan #alfredocospito #SolidarityMeansAttack #41bis #freethemall #antireport #DirectAction
#Milan, Italy: Claim for the incendiary attack against some cars of the local police in solidarity with #AlfredoCospito
"Claim for the incendiary attack against some cars of the local police in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito.
In the night between 29th and 30th January some cars belonging to the local police of the municipality of Milan were burnt."
#SolidarityMeansAttack #41bis #FreeThemAll #antireport #directaction
#milan #alfredocospito #SolidarityMeansAttack #41bis #freethemall #antireport #DirectAction
Italy is on fire 🖤 #AlfredoCospito #41bis
#Italy on alert amid anarchist #attacks on diplomatic missions
"The gutted remains of cars are parked following an attack claimed by an anarchist network in #Rome.
Italy has increased security around its diplomatic missions around the globe in response to what the foreign minister called “a crescendo of terroristic attacks” by an anarchist network that has been acting in solidarity with an imprisoned Italian militant. The attacks, as well as a series of protests, are in solidarity with #AlfredoCospito.."
#41bis #FreeThemAll #abolishprisons #antireport #SolidarityMeansAttack
#alfredocospito #41bis #italy #attacks #rome #freethemall #abolishprisons #antireport #SolidarityMeansAttack
#Italy on alert amid anarchist #attacks on diplomatic missions
"The gutted remains of cars are parked following an attack claimed by an anarchist network in #Rome.
Italy has increased security around its diplomatic missions around the globe in response to what the foreign minister called “a crescendo of terroristic attacks” by an anarchist network that has been acting in solidarity with an imprisoned Italian militant. The attacks, as well as a series of protests, are in solidarity with #AlfredoCospito.."
#41bis #FreeThemAll #abolishprisons #antireport #SolidarityMeansAttack
#italy #attacks #rome #alfredocospito #41bis #freethemall #abolishprisons #antireport #SolidarityMeansAttack
#Italy on alert amid anarchist #attacks on diplomatic missions
"The gutted remains of cars are parked following an attack claimed by an anarchist network in #Rome.
Italy has increased security around its diplomatic missions around the globe in response to what the foreign minister called “a crescendo of terroristic attacks” by an anarchist network that has been acting in solidarity with an imprisoned Italian militant. The attacks, as well as a series of protests, are in solidarity with #AlfredoCospito.."
#41bis #FreeThemAll #abolishprisons #antireport #SolidarityMeansAttack
#italy #attacks #rome #alfredocospito #41bis #freethemall #abolishprisons #antireport #SolidarityMeansAttack
#Italy on alert amid anarchist #attacks on diplomatic missions
"The gutted remains of cars are parked following an attack claimed by an anarchist network in #Rome.
Italy has increased security around its diplomatic missions around the globe in response to what the foreign minister called “a crescendo of terroristic attacks” by an anarchist network that has been acting in solidarity with an imprisoned Italian militant. The attacks, as well as a series of protests, are in solidarity with #AlfredoCospito.."
#41bis #FreeThemAll #abolishprisons #antireport #SolidarityMeansAttack
#italy #attacks #rome #alfredocospito #41bis #freethemall #abolishprisons #antireport #SolidarityMeansAttack
"Militants tagged bank windows with “defend the forest”, “fuck 12”, “eat shit Frey” and “rest in peace Tortuguita and Tyre Nichols”.
Our message of solidarity extends past written words to the shattered windows and broken ATMs in our wake.
We appreciate the work of the bloc tonight in Minneapolis. Drawing the attention of and keeping distracted an entire city’s pig department is no easy task in these freezing temperatures. Your bravery is radiant.
Long Live the Forest
Rest in Power Tyre Nichols and Tortuguita
Eat Shit Frey
This is only the beginning"
#StopCopCity #defendtheatlantaforest #SolidarityMeansAttack #AbolishThePolice #directaction
#StopCopCity #defendtheAtlantaForest #SolidarityMeansAttack #abolishthepolice #DirectAction