#OTD 1968 wurde das Danziger Abkommen geschlossen und so die erste freie Gewerkschaft im Ostblock - #Solidarność - legalisiert. Die "Encyklopedia Solidarności" des @ipngovpl
sammelt Biografien der Oppositionellen und Ephemera wie Plakate und Briefmarken: https://encysol.pl
Uwaga, długie, bo i konwój długi (ponad 5 minut video).
"Wyjazd polskich strażaków do Grecji - Kraków 19.07.2023 /Departure of Polish firefighters to Greece"
Za gov.pl: "W środę, 19 lipca br. polscy strażacy wyruszyli z pomocą do Grecji, która zmaga się z pożarami lasów w rejonie Attyki. To już 18. misja zagraniczna naszych funkcjonariuszy PSP i 7. misja ratownicza w ostatnim czasie. Bierze w niej udział 149 osób i 49 pojazdów."
#europa #Solidarnosc #psp #strazpozarna #polska
#Polonia, mezzo milione in piazza a #Varsavia "in difesa della #democrazia".
Bandiere 🇵🇱 e 🇪🇺 contro il governo populista. Manifestazione convocata dal leader dell'opposizione #DonaldTusk. C'è anche #LechWalesa, leader di #Solidarnosc.
#4Giugno https://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/mondo/2023/06/04/polonia-marcia-a-varsavia-in-difesa-della-democrazia_59a5be87-f034-4790-8a84-88113cab5837.html
#polonia #varsavia #democrazia #donaldtusk #LechWalesa #Solidarnosc #4giugno
DW and European Solidarność Center work together to publish book
#unions #Europe #Solidarnosc #Poland
There was this one world-famous Polish enterprise that launched in early 1980s and I wonder if they'd have a storefront for these affluent refugees to gander at. What was that enterprise called now...? Oh yes, #Solidarity / #Solidarność.
"To właśnie my przesiadujemy po nocach, spiskujemy na naszych spotkaniach i nieustannie myślimy o sposobach działania. Kiedy zostajemy uderzeni, mamy obowiązek zaznaczyć swoją obecność, pokazać sygnał oporu, dać oddech temu, co nazywamy solidarnością."
#akcjabezposrednia #directaction #Solidarnosc #solidarity
#polen 🇵🇱 #schickt #leopardsforukraine . das nennt man #Solidarnosc 🐆2 !!!
#Solidarnosc #leopardsforukraine #schickt #polen
Today in Labor History December 31, 1982: Martial law was declared in Poland in 1981 in an attempt to suppress the anti-communist Solidarnosc labor movement. It was suspended on this date in 1982 and officially ended July 22, 1983.
#solidarity #workingclass #LaborHistory #poland #Solidarnosc #union #communism #martiallaw
#solidarity #workingclass #LaborHistory #poland #Solidarnosc #union #communism #martiallaw
Today in Labor History December 14, 1970: Strikes began in Gdansk, Poland, and spread to Gdynia, Szczecin, other industrial centers, with widespread factory occupations. Labor resistance and protest continued in Gdansk, leading to the formation of Solidarnosc, in the early 1980s, which ultimately toppled the Communist government once and for all in 1989. However, in 1970 strike wave, the Polish People’s Army quashed the strikes, killing at least 44 people.
#poland #Solidarnosc #solidarity #strike #union #workingclass #LaborHistory #communism #occupation
#poland #Solidarnosc #solidarity #strike #union #workingclass #LaborHistory #communism #occupation
Today in Labor History December 13, 1981: Communist General Jaruzelski imposed martial law in Poland to suppress and destroy the 10-million strong Solidarnosc trade union worker’s movement. The AFL-CIO supported Solidarnosc to the tune of $300,000, but the CIA gave the anti-communist union $10 million over the course of 5 years.
#communism #poland #LechWalesa #Solidarnosc #cia #solidarity #aflcio #martiallaw #workingclass #LaborHistory
#communism #poland #lechwalesa #Solidarnosc #cia #solidarity #aflcio #martiallaw #workingclass #LaborHistory
Today in Labor History December 9, 1990: Lech Walesa, leader of the Solidarity trade union, was elected president of Poland, demonstrating that even a labor agitator can become a member of the ruling elite, so long as he promotes free market capitalism. (It doesn’t hurt if he is also a rabid anti-communist, anti-abortionist and homophobic nationalist).
#LechWałęsa #communism #solidarity #Solidarnosc #antiabortion #abortion #Nationalism #union #poland
#lechwalesa #communism #solidarity #Solidarnosc #antiabortion #abortion #Nationalism #union #poland
RT @WarszawaAnarch@twitter.com
nawołujące do walki z odradzającym się w Europie faszyzmem.
W Warszawie, pod Słowacką ambasadą, osoby queerowe przynoszą znicze i kwiaty. Też byłyśmy, by oddać cześć zamordowanym. Słowackie queery, my sme s vami! ✊🖤💜 5/5
#Antifa #Antyfaszyzm #Solidarność #QueerLiberation
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WarszawaAnarch/status/1581297703379554304
#queerliberation #Solidarnosc #antyfaszyzm #antifa