ZarachYaH · @zarachyah
12 followers · 425 posts · Server

Episode 9 Who Is The Only Begotten Son?

#Episode9 #WHO #is #the #Only #Begotten #Son

Last updated 1 year ago

We were bought with the blood of Jesus, having been slaves to sin, we are now slaves to God (Rom 6:22). But what if I told you God doesn’t want us to be slaves forever? While being a slave to God is necessary, it is not eternal and doesn’t include the inheritance God wants to give us (Jn 8:35).

When a son comes to the age of maturity (30, when Jesus began His ministry) the Fathers business is passed down to the son. While it’s not about a literal number, it does capture a spiritual principle of growing in our faith, into a place of stewardship so that the Lord can pass down the inheritance.

“And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever.”
John 8:35

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#apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing #Son #family #jesus #slave #faith #grace #Inheritance #principle #father

Last updated 1 year ago

God is looking for a free will offering, but what is a free will offering? The Father gave us the gift of free will so that we would have a choice. God does not want us doing things blindly or without understanding.
We know that God never desired animal sacrifices; they were only a shadow of what God really wants (ref Heb 10).
God desires for us to see that our mindsets, actions, attitudes, and beliefs are like the nature of the beast (ref Ecc 3:18) because they are away from God.
He wants us to lay our old nature on the altar, in order to take on another character, which is Christ (ref Rom 12:2).

A free will offering comes from your heart. When you have seen, and known a life, away from the Father, you desire to give up all that you are for all that He is.

Connect with us at

#freewill #offering #gift #father #Son #HolySpirit #heart #sincere #Intention

Last updated 1 year ago

赤点 | akaten · @a_k_a_t_e_n
61 followers · 89 posts · Server

Renewal my :
working as creative director at Tokyo, I aim to be a writer nowadays.
Here, I post my and work in progress, and also , , which I love. I live with my and , maybe I can post here about them.
Please enjoy!

#Son #films #music #manga #pictures #fashion #cat #mastodon #introduction #fedibird

Last updated 2 years ago

Many Saviors

Why does the prophet Obediah say that on the Day of the Lord many saviors will come?
“Then saviors shall come from Mount Zion to judge the mountains of Esau, and the kingdom shall be the Lord’s” (Oba 1:21).
Why does Paul say that all of creation eagerly awaits the revelation of the sons of God?
“For the earnest expectation of creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God” (Rom 8:19).
In the scriptures we see that Noah was a savior to those who climbed aboard the ark; Moses was considered a savior for leading the Hebrews of bondage in Egypt.

Perhaps these saviors and sons who are coming are those who carry and reveal Jesus to others in order to set them free.

If you’d like to find out more, visit us at


#Ox #shine #light #holy #chosen #Purify #clean #heaven #christ #jesus #Reveal #god #Son

Last updated 2 years ago

Jeff Hertzog · @jeffhertzog1961
20 followers · 943 posts · Server

Pastor Volker Stoeckmann - - 's Message to Man Through the Birth of His

Pastor Randy Parker – Away from a -

The Show, Robert Scott Bell , & Bradlee Dean of the & , Said Man Said as well as

All on now on my Internet Radio Station Website,

Please support my !

#affiliates #RadioAmericaUSA #ericthompson #radio #sonsoflibertymedia #TimBrown #rsbellmedia #DavidKnight #xmas #christmas #Manger #Son #god #kingjamesbible #kjv #biblestudy #bible #Scriptures #Sermon

Last updated 2 years ago

Jeff Hertzog · @jeffhertzog1961
20 followers · 985 posts · Server

Pastor Volker Stoeckmann - - 's Message to Man Through the Birth of His

Pastor Randy Parker – Away from a -

The Show, Robert Scott Bell , & Bradlee Dean of the & , Said Man Said as well as

All on now on my Internet Radio Station Website,

Please support my !

#affiliates #RadioAmericaUSA #ericthompson #radio #sonsoflibertymedia #TimBrown #rsbellmedia #DavidKnight #xmas #christmas #Manger #Son #god #kingjamesbible #kjv #biblestudy #bible #Scriptures #Sermon

Last updated 2 years ago

We welcome all those who hunger and thirst for righteousness to join us this Sunday service to be power washed by the word of God and be purified through the renewing of your mind.

Service begins at 11 AM CT with incredible worship by the worship team followed by teaching by Bishop @michaeljopetro

📍 Location: 2001 Post Oak Blvd., Houston, Texas, 77056⁠
🕚 Time: 11 AM CT⁠

For more info on our times and locations, visit

#Earth #body #spirit #heaven #parable #Son #father #family #mind #open #love #unity #jesus #Yeshua #water #beach #sanantonio #dallas #austin #Longhorn #texas #houston #heart #Renew #Desire #fire #vohchurch

Last updated 2 years ago

We welcome all those who hunger and thirst for righteousness to join us this Sunday service to be power washed by the word of God and be purified through the renewing of your mind.

Service begins at 11 AM CT with incredible worship by the worship team followed by teaching by Bishop @michaeljopetro

📍 Location: 2001 Post Oak Blvd., Houston, Texas, 77056⁠
🕚 Time: 11 AM CT⁠

For more info on our times and locations, visit

#Earth #body #spirit #heaven #parable #Son #father #family #mind #open #love #unity #jesus #Yeshua #water #beach #sanantonio #dallas #austin #Longhorn #texas #houston #heart #Renew #Desire #fire #vohchurch

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Aztex2020
63 followers · 2094 posts · Server


#missing #Son #billclinton #welfarecheck

Last updated 2 years ago


Mat 18:4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
For those of us who are not children let us open our minds to the ways of God and be inquisitive of every facet of Him. Children ask questions about everything and they listen to instruction or teaching with an open heart to receive.
It is the fathers in the faith who are known as apostles that teach the ways of Christ because they have been through the process of sanctification and have an established relationship with God.

So let us strive to lay down all the ways we can be prideful at our altar of sacrifice unto the Lord so that we can become apostolic like our Father, Yeshua.

For resources on early church foundational teaching →

#god #natural #spirit #family #father #Son #Sun #light #Yeshua

Last updated 2 years ago

The Ocean Cowboy 🤠 · @oceancowboy
200 followers · 239 posts · Server
Morgan Kevins · @MorganKevins
250 followers · 2068 posts · Server

Like Father like Son

Ephesians 5:1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.

The word Yeshua means “salvation” and in the definition of salvation is deliverance. What exactly are we being delivered from?
A false understanding of God and that is what sin truly means. To be evil and wicked in God’s eyes is to not know or understand His word causing you to do those characteristics of sin (lying, stealing, gossip) etc.

God’s people were not seeing and understanding His law so, He needed to bring redemption which comes through Jesus ONLY when you can go through the same process Jesus has laid out.

Are you willing to follow the pattern and go through the process to become like Jesus?

Visit to learn more about our ministry.

#witness #freedom #truth #believe #Son #god #perfect #Salvation #Savior #Transform #change #love

Last updated 2 years ago

What does true restoration look like?

God is restoring us to a deeper understanding of who He is, while also turning the hearts of the fathers in the faith (those mature in understanding) back to the hearts of the children (those immature in their understanding) and vice versa (Mal 4:6). This is referring to our ability to see and understand spiritual things, or the deeper things of scripture, i.e., the man whose eyesight was restored when Jesus placed His hands over his eyes (Mar 8:25). The Lord wants our eyes to be opened to understand His word.

Did you know we are on Rumble? Follow us there @VOHchurch

#Son #father #Elijah #Understanding #spiritual #EyesToSee #Restoration #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

We should really thank God for His mercy on us everyday because we make mistakes consistently, but we still have the opportunity to restore our relationship with Him through His divine teachings/ blessings.

It is only through these divine teachings that we will be able to take dominion over all the creatures in the earth while being that blessing to others, so they can walk in the same pattern God has established all throughout scripture.

Visit our radio podcast show →

#Son #father #relationship #love #animals #tree #fruit #character #Snake #christ #follow #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

Who does God abide with?

God is not abiding with any person who is not learning His doctrine therefore we should not be associating with anyone or listening to those who bring another doctrine. It is a dangerous thing to congregate with those who are in darkness.
To be in darkness is to not have any of the deeper understanding of God’s mysteries revealed in you therefore you are not bringing forth His character. Greeting and fellowshipping with a false teacher causes you to take on their evil deeds because you come in agreement with their beliefs.
God wants us to only be in fellowship with those who share the same mind, understanding, beliefs, and spirit.

Learn the doctrine of Christ by connecting with us at Voice of Healing →

#father #Son #believe #right #govern #Mystery #truth #one #Correct #teaching #spirit #Soul #mind #body #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

Ointment for the Soul

The word anointing also speaks of an ointment. When you go to the doctor, one might receive an ointment to heal the wound. But Jesus, as our great Physician, brings us the healing our soul needs through understanding His word at a deeper level. Deep healing comes through the revelation of God's word.

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We look forward to hearing from you.


#knowledge #Worship #Praise #Eyes #bride #father #love #god #Son #king #prophet #priest #function #character #HighPriest #Apostle #TheVoiceof

Last updated 2 years ago

ZarachYaH · @zarachyah
12 followers · 434 posts · Server
Morgan Kevins · @MorganKevins
250 followers · 2068 posts · Server

Video: Man Tries To Pick Up His Son From His Exes House And Gets Shot Twice By His Sons Stepfather – The Lawyer Claims That This Is Justified Homicide

#texas #lawyer #homicide #Stepfather #Son

Last updated 3 years ago