Shadows characterization is so GOOD in #SonicPrime.. Holy Shit.. Why can't the games have this much thought put into their writing??
I’ve been really digging the new season of #SonicPrime. It feels like they’re finally getting to have fun with all the world built in the first season.
New projeeect! 2000 pieces!
#Sonic #SonicPrime #SonicTheHedgehog #ShadowTheHedgehog #Sonadow #SonadowPrime #Jigsaw #JigsawPuzzle #JigsawPuzzleDreams #Steam
#sonic #SonicPrime #sonicthehedgehog #shadowthehedgehog #sonadow #sonadowprime #jigsaw #jigsawpuzzle #JigsawPuzzleDreams #steam
I was doubtful of the Sonic robot in Sonic Prime's trailer, but I was unnecessarily worried. Chaos Sonic was amazing. A copy of Sonic made by whatever version of Eggman should always be this level of hyper and annoying. He was an absolutely fantastic interpretation of Metal Sonic. Kudos to the #SonicPrime team! #ChaosSonic #SonicTheHedgehog
#SonicPrime #chaossonic #sonicthehedgehog
S02E08 #Sonadow Screenshot Dump 2/2 #SonicPrime #SonicTheHedgehog #ShadowTheHedgehog #Sonic #SonadowPrime
#sonadow #SonicPrime #sonicthehedgehog #shadowthehedgehog #sonic #sonadowprime
S02E08 #Sonadow Screenshot Dump 1/2 #SonicPrime #SonicTheHedgehog #ShadowTheHedgehog #Sonic #SonadowPrime
#sonadow #SonicPrime #sonicthehedgehog #shadowthehedgehog #sonic #sonadowprime
#SonicPrime #SonicTheHedgehog #sonicfanart #SonicPrimeseason2 #sonic #digitalart @sonic_hedgehog
#SonicPrime #sonicthehedgehog #sonicfanart #sonicprimeseason2 #sonic #digitalart
💎 🦔 Sonic eta bere adiskideak abentura berriak bizitzera hastera doaz gaur bertan... euskarazko bikoizketarekin!
SEGA|k eta Netflix|ek triku urdinaren animazio telesaileko bigarren denboraldia abiatuko dute gaur.
#Bideojokoak #SonicPrime #Euskara
#bideojokoak #SonicPrime #euskara
Guess the puzzle! (Not a #SonicPrime screenshot this time, but still a #Sonic character, official pic) #Jigsaw #JigsawPuzzleDreams
#SonicPrime #sonic #jigsaw #JigsawPuzzleDreams
I might do more!
#Jigsaw #JigsawPuzzleDreams #SonicPrime #Sonic #Shadow #ShadowTheHedgehog #SonadowPrimer
#jigsaw #JigsawPuzzleDreams #SonicPrime #sonic #shadow #shadowthehedgehog #sonadowprimer
"That's one. Three to go."
#Jigsaw #JigsawPuzzleDreams #SonicPrime #Sonic #Shadow #ShadowTheHedgehog #SonadowPrime
#jigsaw #JigsawPuzzleDreams #SonicPrime #sonic #shadow #shadowthehedgehog #sonadowprime
Saturday Morning Cartoons: Sonic Prime Season 2: Avoid the Void
The blue blur's second season drops debut
#Television #TV #animation #cartoon #netflix #SaturdayMorningCartoons #sega #SonicPrime #SonicTheHedgehog
#sonicthehedgehog #SonicPrime #sega #saturdaymorningcartoons #Netflix #Cartoon #Animation #TV #television
I'm sorry but did they just-
Did they just address -and fix- the ending of SA2?
#sa2 #sonicadventure2 #sonic #SonicPrime #sonadow
I wonder if this generated alternate-dimension Shadows? #SonicPrime #Sonic #SonicTheHedgehog
#SonicPrime #sonic #sonicthehedgehog
Current obsessions?
#IDW Sonic the Hedgehog, #SonicPrime, #FarmingSim, #TOTK, #HatsuneMiku #ProjectDiva, #StoryOfSeasons, #RuneFactory, #Sonadow, #TeeLopes, #IanFlynn, #Nintendo, #Spain. Recently finished #ScarletNexus. And I wish we get another #Harvestella game! That's what's on my mind recently.
#idw #SonicPrime #farmingsim #TotK #hatsunemiku #projectdiva #storyofseasons #runefactory #sonadow #teelopes #ianflynn #nintendo #spain #SCARLETNEXUS #harvestella
#SonicPrime - New Episode Trailer
I have to say, this looks good. But also, this new season has alot to improve on, IMO. The last one had some shining moments, but otherwise was dull or sometimes annoying. Not bad, but not great.
I am tacitly going into this again. But I dont think I can stay with it if things are much the same.
#Cartoons #Sonic #VideoGames
#SonicPrime #cartoons #sonic #videogames
And finally, my #reaction to the final #SonicPrime episode for now, episode 8 "There's no Arrgh in 'Team'".
As always for these, it's timer-based, so bring your own Netflix.
And now, off to find something else to react to...
No April's fools thing this year, just the next #SonicPrime #reaction
Episode 7. "It Takes One To No Place"
No fancy new releases of shows this week, so we're back to another #SonicPrime #reaction. Episode 6, "Situation: Grim".
Timer based as always, so bring your own Netflix.