Pierre Spaninks · @pierre
479 followers · 181 posts · Server waag.social

Today I finished my 6-week on the civilisation. Scholars from and other universities guided us through the history of the field, the decipherment of the languages and scripts, the history of the empire, international relations in the ancient Near East and the iconography. As a final note, the Early Hittite (approx. 1650 BC) Hüseyindede vase was discussed, with a bull-leaping scene reminiscent of Minoan Crete: a testimony of long distance cultural ties in the

#mooc #Hittite #SorbonneX #bronzeage

Last updated 2 years ago

Pierre Spaninks · @pierre
479 followers · 181 posts · Server waag.social

Today I finished my 6-week on the civilisation. Scholars from and other universities guided us through the history of the field, the decipherment of the languages and scripts, the history of the empire, international relations in the ancient Near East and the iconography. As a final note, the Early Hittite (approx. 1650 BC) Hüseyindede vase was discussed, with a bull-leaping scene reminiscent of Minoan Crete: a testimony of long distance cultural ties in the

#mooc #Hittite #SorbonneX #bronzeage

Last updated 2 years ago