Discerning The Soul

Are you going through something rough right now? God doesn’t want to leave you in the dark, not knowing what He is doing in your life.⁠

There are lessons in everything we go through that God wants to show us.

Scripture says, whether good or bad, He will use everything for His good (Rom 8:28). Everything is purposeful and functional, so that we can learn from it.⁠

In order to understand what God is doing, we have to press into God and learn His nature in everything! If we understand His nature, we can understand what is not from Him.⁠

Our spiritual senses have to be trained to be able to discern the difference between the soulish nature of our flesh and the nature of God.⁠

To continue reading "Discerning The Soul" visit voh.church/resources 👈

#apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing #god #Soul #Sense #life #purpose #nature

Last updated 1 year ago

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SpankMeTender · @SpankMeTender
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Daily Bread

“But the true food of the spirit is the WORD of God.” [1]
That’s right, the food we eat everyday is not the real food which sustains, but a shadow of what the true food is: the WORD. This world is filled with the “shadows of things to come” (ref Col 2:17).
Jesus was teaching about a spiritual manna (the mysteries), which the children of Israel could not see, but rather ate blindly without understanding what God was trying to teach them (ref Deut 8:3-16). They were not eating the true spiritual food (mysteries) but mere bread, which only sustained their bodies and not their soul.

Full article --> bit.ly/3lVcGwk

Visit voh.church/resources for more information and sources on the earliest church doctrines.

#heart #spirit #Soul #body #mind #learn #teach #promise #Desert #jesus #bread #manna

Last updated 2 years ago

How do you Know?

How do I know if the soul is getting better? What is the diagnosis of the soul? What’s wrong with it? The soul is really your personality; it’s what animates the body. It’s one’s feelings, experiences (good and bad), culture, passions, drives, values, beliefs, attitudes etc.; it’s one’s worldview. All those abstract thoughts require a mind that allows one to perceive, which is to process one’s experiences - the influencers or teachers of the soul.

The Apostle Paul, who wrote to the Thessalonians about “spirit soul and body”, also wrote to the Philippians about having the mind of Christ. It reads, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Phil 2:5). How does this work? First, there must be a diagnosis to acknowledge that one’s soul is ill.

Full aticle --> bit.ly/3SUuKCG

#mind #feelings #emotions #body #spirit #Soul #apostlemichaelpetro

Last updated 2 years ago

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SpankMeTender · @SpankMeTender
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Soul and Spirit

In the beginning, God said it was not good for man to be alone (rf Gen 2:18). Adam and Eve paint the picture of the Spirit and the soul. In Hebrew thought, the Spirit is masculine and the soul is feminine. Our souls were designed to reunite with the Spirit of God. Eve lusted against the Spirit, just as the flesh lusts against Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh (rf Gal 5:17, Mat 26:41, Gen 3:6).

Tune into our radio show for spiritual understanding of world events → bit.ly/40pL55M

Bitly Link for full article → bit.ly/3WQ2txe

#man #body #spirit #Soul #apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

SpankMeTender · @SpankMeTender
18 followers · 322 posts · Server brighteon.social

Have you ever been told to “follow your heart”?
Contrary to popular belief, in Hebrew thought, there is no difference between your mind or your heart. In fact, the way you think, exposes the condition of your heart and your soul.

The word soul is the Hebrew word nephesh, and it speaks of your mind, desire, emotion, and passions. Our desires by nature are opposed to God, which is why our heart, mind, and soul can deceive us; unless, they have been renewed through the unveiling of Christ (ref Ps 51:5, Rom 12:2, Jer 17:9).

Jesus says that if we chose to serve Him, we are to follow Him (ref Jn 12:26). But to truly follow Him is to walk in what He taught - the mysteries of Scripture (ref Mat 13:11).

Listen in to our radio show for more → bit.ly/3t7xEZ7

#Veil #Flesh #wisdom #knowledge #confident #scripture #Soul #christ #follow #Desires #heart

Last updated 2 years ago

Welcome everyone!!
Our arms are open to all who are seeking truth through God, come with an expectation to receive the Holy Spirit in your life through the parabolic teachings of Jesus Christ.

Bring your babies and children to come be apart of our Mighty Trumpets.

We look forward to seeing you there!!

Location: 2626 Sage Rd, Houston, TX 77056
Time: 11 AM CT

For more info on location and times visit voh.church/info, or email connect@voh.church.

#restore #rapture #Ascend #Earth #heaven #fight #army #freedom #dance #love #family #glory #debt #release #Worship #Praise #Judah #Messiah #Hebrew #mind #heart #Soul #Yeshua #HolySpirit #deliverance #healing #texas #houston

Last updated 2 years ago

The Bride Makes Herself Ready

We are in the time that God’s Glory will manifest in the earth, the Great and Terrible Day (Joel 2:11), and contrary to common thought, we cannot step into God’s Glory unprepared. We, as the Bride of Christ, must be prepared; just as John wrote in the Book of Revelation, “Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready" (Revelation 19:7).

It is a dangerous doctrine to believe that we can enter into the glory without preparation; not only will that belief leave us unready, but we will perish under the weight of the glory. The pattern throughout Scripture shows us that those who were prepared entered in, and those that were not prepared were shut out.

Full article --> bit.ly/3vpSdAS

#husband #wife #one #temple #ready #glory #white #pure #Soul #prepare #wedding #bride

Last updated 2 years ago