Now my #Peertube is up and running I'll occasionally post some of my own projects, I promise not to be spammy!
This is from our #HipHop #Soundmakers project which is myself and graffiti artist #Aroe
We released this with EmCee #Reks a couple of years back.
#reks #Aroe #Soundmakers #hiphop #peertube
Hmm well that was a whole day spent breaking everything. :pc1:
Back to plan 2b section 6 v2.97.388.1.3345
My videos are on #PeerTube
Whoever invented the internet should have made it much easier imo. :uwot:
#Music #MusicVideo #SelfHosting #Liotia #Soundmakers #VoSo #TheAssemblyWorker #Reks #Spookasonic
#spookasonic #reks #theassemblyworker #voso #Soundmakers #Liotia #selfhosting #musicvideo #music #peertube
Oh my dog!!
I think I've nailed this #Peertube thing! Turns out I was being a massive doughnut. No surprise there huh?
Nothing fancy, just a home for mine and collaborators music videos. Next step to work out #Federation etc.
With luck, this link works without any nasty warnings. If it does, please let me know!
#Liotia #Vỏ Sò #TheAssemblyWorker #Soundmakers #Reks #Spookasonic #MusicVideo
#musicvideo #spookasonic #reks #Soundmakers #theassemblyworker #vỏ #Liotia #federation #peertube
My mate #graffiti artist #Aroe had an interactive art show a couple of weeks back, using beats we made together under the #Soundmakers moniker.
Basically a barage of obnoxious hihats and 808s while he's graffing up someone's Bentley (how the other half live eh). Rest assured, we are both still starving artists. :hackett:
Unfortunately for me, the work is all displayed via Inst4gr4m so I can't see but there is this video of the launch.