At the last local election, 1 in 5 voters right across #SouthTyneside voted Green and we doubled the number of elected Green councillors.
Vote Green on May 4th for even more Green councillors, listening and taking action for you. Working together for positive change.
For a fairer, greener South Tyneside π
#SouthTyneside #GetGreensElected #greenparty #localelection2023
@Andrewguy lovely to link up here Andrew! So looking forward to working with you for #SouthTyneside when hopefully I get elected next May π€π Well done again on your interview on Politics North yesterday. We urgently need a home insulation scheme that actually does what people need!
I went for a site visit yesterday at a new Energy Scheme developement in South Tyneside. I managed to get some interesting shots..
#art #inspiration #colour #color #abstracted #photography #fineart #southtyneside #bluefutures
#art #inspiration #colour #color #abstracted #photography #fineart #SouthTyneside #bluefutures
I went for a site visit yesterday at a new Energy Scheme developement in South Tyneside. I managed to get some interesting shots..
#art #inspiration #colour #color #abstracted #photography #fineart #southtyneside #bluefutures
#art #inspiration #colour #color #abstracted #photography #fineart #SouthTyneside #bluefutures
Have you followed South Tyneside Greens yet? Please check them out π
#GreenParty #SouthTyneside #VoteGreen #SouthShields #Jarrow #Hebburn #Whitburn
#whitburn #hebburn #Jarrow #SouthShields #VoteGreen #SouthTyneside #greenparty
One of our #GreenTeams out across #CleadonAndEastBoldon again yesterday. Campaigner @ShirleyFordGreen, Councillor David Herbert and the team were out knocking on doors, listening to local people about issues that matter to them.
Shirley also went along to the book sale at #BoldonAndCleadonLibrary and reported some fly tipping off Moor Lane.
#GreenTeams #CleadonAndEastBoldon #BoldonAndCleadonLibrary #GreensGetThingsDone #SouthTyneside
RT @STynesideGreens: π Itβs official!
π The paperwork is in and we can confirm that we have a Green candidate in every ward.
β Every voter across #SouthTyneside will have the opportunity to #VoteGreen on May 5th!
#LocalElections2022 #BetterIsPossible @TheGreenParty
#SouthTyneside #VoteGreen #LocalElections2022 #BetterIsPossible