“He said, ‘I thought I was dying in the cell last night’. He said ‘I couldn’t move’,”
She said the arrest was so violent it could have broken a bone when the young man was thrown to the ground. She claimed an ambulance was not called despite his seizures.
In May a NSW police officer was found guilty of assaulting a 16-year-old Indigenous boy in inner Sydney in 2020, when he threw the boy to the ground using a similar leg sweep manoeuvre.
#Aboriginal #Indigenous #Decolonise #AbolishPolice #Abolition #AbolishPrisons #anarchism #CommunityNotCops #racism #whiteness #WhiteSupremacy #FuckRacism #FuckWhiteness #SovereigntyNeverCeded
#aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise #abolishpolice #abolition #abolishprisons #anarchism #communitynotcops #racism #whiteness #whitesupremacy #fuckracism #fuckwhiteness #SovereigntyNeverCeded
Lidia Thorpe has called for the voice referendum to be called off, arguing it is an “easy way to fake progress” for First Nations people without making any changes.
The independent senator told the National Press Club on Wednesday a no victory would reveal Australia as a racist country, despite herself advocating for people to vote no.
Thorpe attacked the Albanese government’s push to enshrine an Indigenous voice in the constitution, describing it as a “powerless advisory body”, “window dressing for constitutional recognition” and an “insult” to First Nations people’s intelligence.
#AusPol #Aboriginal #Indigenous #Decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #Treaty #TreatyBeforeVoice #VoiceToParliament
#auspol #aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #treaty #treatybeforevoice #voicetoparliament
As if settler colonizers weren't already detached from any responsibility to build meaningful relationships to Indigenous Peoples whose lands they're occupying, they now have a number they can text to find out whose lands they're on to do a #LandAcknowledgement. Fuck your digitized and analogue allyship performances. #LandBack #AntiColonial #AccomplicesNotAllies
(from the Indigenous Action Facebook page)
#Aboriginal #Indigenous #Decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #Treaty #TreatyBeforeVoice #VoiceToParliament
#LandAcknowledgement #Landback #anticolonial #accomplicesnotallies #aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #treaty #treatybeforevoice #voicetoparliament
From the BPU's (Black Peoples' Union) Facebook page:
Join us this Wednesday night, 6:30pm aest for a public class followed by a discussion.
This class will be on:
Sovereignty - what it actually means from both a colonial and a First Nations perspective, how it originated, and what challenges it faces today.
Treaty - what does Treaty mean, the many different forms Treaty can take, how they would be established, and the pro's and con's to each.
This is a free class and discussion open to members of the public to attend and have ask questions.
Zoom link can be found on our story and in the linktree:
#VoiceToParliament #AusPol #Aboriginal #Indigenous #Decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #racism #Treaty #TreatyBeforeVoice
#voicetoparliament #auspol #aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #racism #treaty #treatybeforevoice
Watching labour back peddle on treaty while supporting the voice is like getting on a train and staying for the ride knowing full well it will never reach your destination.
- Gulwanyangguba Djuyal (Facebook)
#VoiceToParliament #AusPol #Aboriginal #Indigenous #Decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #Treaty
#voicetoparliament #auspol #aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #treaty
I really need to get off Facebook. The anti-Indigenous rhetoric is astounding, and I can't get away from it because of the "suggested posts" and "sponsored posts".
..but it's my only access to my friends because we all met there and only one of them is also here.
#Aboriginal #Indigenous #Decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #Facebook #Friends
#aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #facebook #friends
"The Queensland government must listen to the voices of Indigenous people if it’s to reckon with its “oxymoronic” approach to youth justice and stop breaking its commitment to close the gap, advocates say.
In a report this week the Productivity Commission cited changes to Queensland’s harsh bail laws as an example of “reform” likely to “exacerbate, rather than remedy” the disadvantage faced by Aboriginal people and reverse progress on closing the gap."
#Aboriginal #Indigenous #Decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #AbolishPolice #AbolishPrisons #Abolition
#aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #abolition
"The spirit of this water doesn't have to be ashamed of who it is, like maybe others when they came here a while ago made my ancestors feel ashamed of who they were.
"I am crying but I am really happy. I am really pleased."
#aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded
Now if Dan Andrews would just announce that they're funnelling the $2b they had budgeted for the Commonwealth Games into supporting Indigenous people in regional and remote Victoria...
#AusPol #Aboriginal #Indigenous #Decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded
#auspol #aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded
“Racism isn’t about segregated lunch counters and people refusing to shake hands anymore. Racism is about this country’s obsession with defining boundaries of inclusion and exclusion, and the pervasive and violent ways in which those boundaries are maintained. Racism is about two major parties collaborating for years to convince a white majority, through various codes, that they are perpetually at risk of losing out to lazy Aborigines, ghettoised migrants, dishonest asylum seekers and suspicious Muslims. Racism is a government using free speech rhetoric to facilitate racial vilification.“
- Aamer Rahman
#aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded
The #VoiceToParliament vote will happen later this year.
Senate just passed the law to set up the vote.
The anti-Indigenous rhetoric is about to ramp up even more.
#AusPol #Aboriginal #Indigenous #Decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #FuckColonisation
#aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #fuckcolonisation #voicetoparliament #auspol
As Frantz Fanon said, colonialism is the bringer of violence into the home and into the mind of the native.
Violence is the natural state of colonial rule.
#Aboriginal #Indigenous #Decolonise #FreePalestine #IndigenousSolidarity #SovereigntyNeverCeded
#aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise #freepalestine #IndigenousSolidarity #SovereigntyNeverCeded
Fuck Sorry Day tbh.
They can get back to me when they're not still stealing our jarjum and killing us for parking fines.
#indigenous #aboriginal #SovereigntyNeverCeded
Good morning, you beautiful and passionate being!
This is your regular gentle reminder that you:
1. need to drink more water today
2. should remember to take your meds
3. live on Stolen Land, and it's time to give back
#justice #Landback #SovereigntyNeverCeded #alwayswasalwayswillbe
Fuck, also #firstnations #indigenous #aboriginal allyship and not as an afterthought, I'm sorry. Pro #VoicetoParliament and anti #jacintaprice. #alwayswasalwayswillbe #SovereigntyNeverCeded
#firstnations #indigenous #aboriginal #voicetoparliament #jacintaprice #alwayswasalwayswillbe #SovereigntyNeverCeded
Currently reading Out of the Silence: the history and memory of South Australia's Frontier Wars by Robert Foster and Amanda Nettelbeck.
And I'm reflecting on how police (the State, colonisers) and settlers (colonisers) both used/didn't use British laws to be violent towards Aboriginal people. And how a version of those same laws are still being used/not used to excuse settler & State violence towards Aboriginal people.
#FrontierWars #RacialisedViolence #DeathsInCustody #TheFightContinues #SovereigntyNeverCeded
#frontierwars #racialisedviolence #deathsincustody #thefightcontinues #SovereigntyNeverCeded