@juglugs ha! bit tedious, but not much of a race to comment on sadly! #f1 #skyf1 #belgiangp #spa
I'm not into #cricket that much, but what an anti-climax for the #weather to actually prevent a result.
We've had sporting events being disrupted by weather but they often result in rescheduling (#tennis springs to mind)
Not that every sport gets it right - how about #Spa in 2021 in #F1 - was it 1 or 2 laps behind the safety car gave a #MaxVerstappen the win. Maybe no result is better after all!
#cricket #weather #tennis #SpA #F1 #maxverstappen
Had a spa day today with 3 good friends. It’s the first time since the covid lockdown and it was so good. #FeelAmazing #spa #relax #LookAfterYourself
#feelamazing #SpA #relax #lookafteryourself
RT @Nellziade@twitter.com
#SpA #Posters #ACR22
🔹1012. Comparison of Sacroiliac CT Findings in Patients with and Without PsA: CASIPSA Study
👉 Similar in PsA & age- and sex-matched controls, but with a higher prevalence of erosions, found in 18% of PsA patients
O Fakih
@ACRheum@twitter.com #ACRambassador https://t.co/ywBsMy0Wsb
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Nellziade/status/1591809458975698945
#acr22 #icymi #SpA #posters #ACRambassador
work from @paraskarmachary@twitter.com @LianneGensler@twitter.com #ACR22
RT @Nellziade@twitter.com
🔺1609. Comorbidity Clusters in AS & Association with Disease Activity & Functional Impairment
🔺 PSOAS Cohort
👉Number & type of comorbidity important for longitudinal outcome
👉Depression cluster = worse dis activity & funct
@ACRambassador@twitter.com #ACRambassador
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Nellziade/status/1592172670459990016
great presentation from @lihi_eder@twitter.com (also a cat fan) yesterday #ACR22
RT @Nellziade@twitter.com
#SpA Abstracts #ACR22
🔺1612. Prediction of PsA Tool: Development & Performance of a New Scoring System for PsA Risk
👉Risk of developing PsA within 5 y: MS, PsO nail, PASI, FACIT, pain & use of systemic non-bio medication or phototherapy
@ACRambassador@twitter.com #ACRambassador https://t.co/2oA3KzAwmM
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Nellziade/status/1592174406532726785
RT @Nellziade@twitter.com
#SpA Abstracts #ACR22
🔺2256. Increased Brain Functional Connectivity to the Insula Is Associated with Nociplastic Pain in Psoriatic Arthritis
👉First report of neurobiological evidence of nociplastic pain in PsA
@ACRambassador@twitter.com #ACRambassador
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Nellziade/status/1592178456657559552
I mean we still have conference fatigue but will try to rally for the last day of #ACR22
RT @ProftDr@twitter.com
Not for us SpA-enthusiasts!!
Below you can find all SpA/PsA related sessions from today at #ACR22 nicely compiled by @SPARTAN_Updates@twitter.com
@Official_ASAS@twitter.com @GrappaO@twitter.com @ACRheum@twitter.com @EMEUNET@twitter.com
#ACRambassador #SpA https://t.co/gqPYxjYr8C
#acr22 #conference #ACRambassador #SpA
Catch @Nellziade@twitter.com's #spondyloarthritis coverage
RT @Nellziade@twitter.com
#SpA #Posters #ACR22
🔹1014. Is Radiographic Axial Involvement Associated with Syndesmophyte Development After 2 Years in PsA?
👉Likelihood of synd formation in PsA is low
More likely to be associated with axial involvement
Particularly in⬆️RP
M de Hooge
@ACRheum@twitter.com #ACRambassador
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Nellziade/status/1591810524534435841
#acr22 #icymi #spondyloarthritis #SpA #posters #ACRambassador
Thanks for highlighting our work @SMerjanah@twitter.com @Spondy_MD@twitter.com #ACR22
RT @Nellziade@twitter.com
#SpA #Posters #ACR22
🔹1011. Trends in Fracture Rates Among Veterans with AS
👉Increasing fracture incidence rates for AS comparator groups
👉Rate of fractures increased in the TNFi era (2004-2021) relative to the pre-TNFi era.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Nellziade/status/1591808564364206080
#acr22 #SpA #posters #ACRambassador
RT @ARD_BMJ@twitter.com
#SpA #Posters #ACR22
0378. Prevalence of axSpA in Patients Treated for CBP in Chiropractic Clinics
👉12% (8/65) with ASAS strategy
👉SpA features with ⬆️LR+: objective parameters such as imaging, psoriasis & +HLA-B27
Work from @restovall@twitter.com #ACR22
RT @Nellziade@twitter.com
#SpA #Posters #ACR22
🟡0388. Incidence Rate and Factors Associated with Fractures Among Older Adults with AS in the US
👉Older, low BMI, multiple comorbidities, used opioids chronically
@ACRheum@twitter.com #ACRambassador
#RheumTwitter #MedTwitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Nellziade/status/1591518952718753792
#acr22 #SpA #posters #ACRambassador #RheumTwitter #medtwitter